  • 學位論文


A Study on Broadband Upgrading Demand of Digital Opportunity Centers of the Ministry of Education

指導教授 : 李富民


摘 要 資訊的快速成長,擴大了城鄉之間的數位落差。教育部為了縮減城鄉數位落差,在偏遠地區設立了上百個數位機會中心(DOC),以提升偏遠地區居民的資訊素養,並創造偏遠地區多元的數位發展機會。然而,DOC的有效營運需要足夠的寬頻使用速率及良好的寬頻使用品質,為了瞭解DOC目前的與需求的寬頻使用環境,本研究依據PZB的服務品質概念模式設計相關的問卷,並對全國各DOC進行問卷調查。同時,本研究也針對教育部相關人員進行訪談,以瞭解教育部對於DOC的寬頻升速政策。研究結果發現,DOC的寬頻使用環境仍需要改善,特別是寬頻服務提供業者的網路品質、主動關懷、服務費用部分,部分DOC也希望寬頻服務業者能提供更快速的網路頻寬以滿足其升速需求。針對寬頻升速政策部分,教育部已經備有完善的配套措施,能滿足DOC的需求。 關鍵詞:寬頻升速需求、寬頻服務品質、數位機會中心、偏遠地區、數位落差。


Abstract The rapid growth of the information has widen the digital divide between the cities and remote areas. The Ministry of Education (MOE) has therefore set up over 100 Digital Opportunity Centers (DOCs) in remote areas to narrow the digital divide and enhance the information knowledge of the people living in the remote areas and to produce diversified digital development opportunities for the remote areas. However, the DOCs are in need of sufficient broadband speed and good service quality to operate efficiently. In order to understand the current status and the need of the broadband environment, the study has designed a questionnaire basing on conceptional model of service quality of PZB and conducted survey on all the DOCs with the questionnaire. In the meantime, we have interviewed with related staff of the MOE trying to understand the MOE's policy for upgrading broadband speed of the DOCs. The results show that there is still room for improvement of the current broadband status of the DOCs, especially on the network quality, proactive care, and broadband service fees. Some of the DOCs demand for more speedy network bandwidth to be provided by the broadband service providers in meeting the demand for upgrading network speed. As for the broadband speed upgrading policy, MOE has a fully integrated plan which should meet the demands from the DOCs. Keywords: Broadband Upgrading Demand, Broadband Service Quality, Digital Opportunity Center, Remote Areas, Digital Divide.


會」,台灣經濟研究月刊,第 9 卷,第 28 期,第 92-100 頁。
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