  • 學位論文


A Life Cycle Assessment of Waste Management: A Case Study of Used Phone Sold in BoP Markets

指導教授 : 林盛隆


大量的生產,不僅耗費資源,也造成污染;人類這種不永續的發展模式,已造成地球極大的壓力。當開發經濟體已達市場飽和,資本家開始把市場移向金字塔底端的人口,如果還是依以往的發展模式,勢必雪上加霜,嚴重的情況可能造成地球的崩解。 由於新興藍海市場的消費者是一群金字塔底端的人,;其商業模式不同於傳統方式;而且這個市場不只是商機,同時也是道德的問題(即解決貧窮);要進入這個市場,必須要有更多的產品與服務創新,而永續性是新興藍海市場創新的主要驅動力。近年來新興的社會企業(social entrepreneurs)如雨後春筍般的蓬勃發展,跨國公司(multinational companies, MNCs)更是藉其價值鏈的整合優勢,在新興經濟體建立各種商業模式。在草創之期,大家都還在摸索獲利模式,是我國企業未來可界入的一大商機。然而,新興經濟體的環境生態的脆弱,不能以開發市場的商業模式行之,否則再多個地球的資源也無法供給金字塔底端的消費者。目前,我們尚未開發出具客觀的永續性創新評估模式,當人類正大舉進入此市場的同時,永續性創新評估工具有其必要性與迫切性。 本論文以生命週期觀點探討新興藍海市場中商業模式與永續性,主要是以生命週期概念探討行動支付利用二手手機於印度BoP市場之環境衝擊。探討在企業切入新興藍海市場時,可能面臨的環境議題,避免對地球造成不永續的破壞。利用生命週期評估方法(Life Cycle Assessment, LCA)與評估方法ReCiPe,在選定的功能及功能單位下,以LCA軟體模擬的結果顯示,環境衝擊主要貢獻者為使用階段(86.8%)和棄置階段(13.1%)。收集和運輸階段的貢獻小於0.1%。根據ReCiPe Endpoint在常態化及權重化後的環境衝擊類別,以氣候變遷人體健康及化石燃料消耗為主要貢獻。結果表明了熱點在於手機的使用階段,其可提供於促進BoP商業模式。 在碳足跡評估是以IPCC 2013 100a 為衝擊評估工具。在印度情境中,以使用階段(79%)、棄置階段(21%)貢獻最多;在台灣情境中,以原件階段(60.1%)貢獻最多,其次為使用階段(28%)。 比較二手手機再利用與新手機使用後直接丟棄兩種模式,結果顯示進行再利用可避免原件的開採與製造(6.47 Pt),光是這點即遠大於其他階段(6倍),其確實可以降低環境衝擊。本研究亦設計3種手機回收情境進行模擬分析,結果顯示從情境1至情境2有明顯的下降趨勢(32%),從情境1至情境3則有大幅的下降趨勢(86%)。


When the market becomes saturated, the massive products were sold in the emerging entities. It is dangerous to the planet, because the consumers in emerging entities are huge. Then, the planet may collapse due to the over depletion of resources. The sustainability innovations are necessary. Marketing in the emerging entities is totally different from the exist model. They are primary producers. Sustainability is the driving force of innovations in this market. Recently, there are social entrepreneurs established for the markets, especially in many multinational companies (MNCs), which possess the advantages of supplier chain for creating shared value. The business models for BoP is just in the infancy, and it is an opportunity to get involved for Taiwan entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, the objective evaluation tool for the sustainability innovation is currently not existed. When the emerging markets become more and more important, the development of evaluation measures are necessary and imperative. This thesis discusses the business model and sustainability in the blue ocean market in terms of life cycle. Utilizing the Life cycle assessment (LCA) and evaluation method ReCiPe, in the selected functional and functional units, the simulation results of LCA software show that the main contributors to environmental impact are the use phase (86.8%) and the disposal stage (13.1%). The contribution of the collection and transportation phases is less than 0.1%. According to the ReCiPe Endpoint method in the normalization and weighting of the environmental impact category, the main contributions are the climate change human health and fossil depeletion. The result show that the use phase in the mobile phone life cycle is the environmental hot spot, which leads an opportunity to promote the BoP business model.The carbon footprint assessment is based on the IPCC 2013 100a impact assessment model to explore the carbon emissions of the various stages of the mobile phone in both modes. In the context of India, the use phase (79%) and the Disposal stage (21%) are the most contributed; while in the Taiwan situation, the material processing stage (60.1%) contributed the most one, followed by the use phase (28%). Comparing the two models, re-use model can avoid the material mining (6.47 Pt), which is far greater than the other stage (6 times), which can reduce the environmental impact. In this study, three scenarios were also designed to show a significant downward trend (32%) from scenario 1 to context 2, with a sharp downward trend (86%) from scenario 1 to scenario 3.


王慧茹,「第三類產品環境宣告差異性比較研究-以TFT-LCD產品模組為例」,碩士論文,臺北科技大學環境工程與管理研究所,台北(2009) 。
