  • 學位論文

網站首頁設計意象之探討與應用- 以寺廟網站為例

The Study of Website's Homepage Design Image and Its Applications-Using temple website as an example

指導教授 : 劉弘章


全球資訊網(WWW)之蓬勃發展,網頁儼然扮演資訊傳遞重要的角色,並無遠弗屆伸入世界各角落。 首頁即入口頁Index.副檔名又稱homepage,此一詞本來就有「家的門面」的意義,可見其重要性。 寺廟所具有的藝術價值可分成「外在的」形式、材質及色彩,與「內在的」所欲表達的精神意涵,本研究在了解人們對於寺廟的意象認知,以寺廟網站設計藝術「外在形式」產生的「內在意象」認知為主,進一步找出網頁設計改進的空間,以提昇寺廟網站設計藝術的呈現方式。 研究發現,寺廟首頁設計要能襯托出富貴吉祥及平安幸福之心靈意象,其主要構成其一為色彩的運用,其二為畫面所呈現的心靈意象。首頁所呈現的主要色彩控制在三種色彩內,並利用明度、飽和度之不同變化以增加顏色的層次與調和,來呈現出畫面的美感。 顏色使用原則以暖色調為主,以充滿喜氣紅色系與尊貴財富象徵金黃色系等炫麗色系來呈現。心靈意象結合傳統文化及寺廟藝術形成隱喻,例如以金碧輝煌寺廟建築襯托富貴吉祥,再以神像圖騰或象徵物讓瀏覽者潛意識感受到神威,而萌生平安幸福感受。


寺廟網站 意象 設計 網站,首頁 應用


As the worldwide website (WWW) thrives, “homepage” inevitably plays an important role in information delivering and widely extends to every corner of the world. Front page is the entry page with "Index." sub-filename and is also called “homepage”. This term originally means “facade of home”, so its importance can be seen obviously. The aesthetic values owned by the temple can be divided into the “exterior” form, material and color, and the “interior” spiritual content which is to be expressed. This research intends to discover the image cognition of the temple on the emphasis of “interior image” cognition resulted from the aesthetic “exterior form” of the temple website design and further finds out the space for the improvement of the web page design, in order to advance the expressive form of the web page design. This research revealed that temple homepage design could foil the psychological image of richness & honor and auspicious, safety and happiness, which consisted of the utilization of color and the psychological image presented by the picture. The major colors presented in the homepage are limited to three colors, the levels and tones of which can be enhanced by changes in brightness and saturation, to boost the aesthetic feeling of the picture. The principle for the color utilization focused on the use of warm color, the beaming and resplendent red color, and the golden color symbolizing nobleness and fortune. The psychological image is combined with the traditional culture and the temple art, resulting in metaphors. For instance, it foils richness & honor and auspicious with resplendent and magnificent temple architectures, and uses joss totems or symbol to make the website visitors feel the invincible might subconsciously, and thus engender feeling of happiness and safety.


Application temple website design image homepage website


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