  • 學位論文


A Study of the Correlation between Internship Experiences/Social Support and Subjective Well-being for Nursing Students

指導教授 : 林麗鳳


幸福感是衡量護生心理健康的重要標準之一,而實習經驗為畢業護生決定未來是否從事護理工作的重要關鍵,正向的實習經驗有賴於良好的社會支持。本研究旨在探討五專護生全年實習的經驗、社會支持與主觀幸福感的現況,以及兩者與主觀幸福感之相關性,進而探究五專實習護生主觀幸福感的預測因子,以橫斷式研究設計,針對中部一所醫專之五專全年實習護生共334人為研究對象,以結構式問卷為研究工具,內容包括個人背景資料、實習經驗量表、社會支持量表及主觀幸福感量表等四部份。以SPSS統計軟體12.0版統計軟體進行平均數、標準差、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、逐步迴歸等統計方法進行資料分析。本研究主要發現如下: 一、個人背景方面,研究對象女性較多於男性;實習期間沒有打工者比例高於有打工者;實習前有進行專業準備者比例高於沒專業準備者;實習期間在外住宿者比例高於無在外住宿者。 二、五專護生的全年實習經驗良好。「實習經驗」六構面中,以「照顧病人」得分最高,其餘依次為「實習場所」、「護理人員」、「指導老師」、及「專業知能」,「同學與休閒作息」得分最低。 三、五專實習護生的社會支持程度良好。「社會支持」四構面平均得分以「工具支持」最高,其餘依次為「訊息支持」、「情緒支持」,「自尊支持」為最低。 四、五專實習護生的主觀幸福感良好。「主觀幸福感」四構面中,以「人際關係」得分最高,其次是「自我肯定」,再其次為「生活滿意」,而在「身心健康」得分則為最低。 五、五專實習護生的實習經驗會因打工與專業準備情形不同有顯著的差異。 六、五專實習護生的主觀幸福感會因專業準備情形不同有顯著的差異。 七、五專護生的實習經驗及社會支持與主觀幸福呈顯著正相關。 八、依據階層迴歸分析結果,個人背景因素中的專業準備情形、實習經驗,以及社會支持等變項共同解釋研究對象整體「主觀幸福感」總變異量的30.7%,能有效預測主觀幸福感。 依據研究結果,建議護理教育者就護生實習的感受與需求,提供良好的社會支持,創造正向而滿意的實習經驗,引導護生擁有幸福的生活,為正式投入職場作充分準備。


The sense of well-being is one of the significant standards to determine the mental health of a nurse, and the internship experience is the key factor for a nursing school graduate to decide whether or not to have a nursing career. A positive internship experience requires a fine social support. This research aims at the internship experience and social support for the clinical practice students in nursing college, and their correlations between senses of subjective well-being. And to further find out the predictors of the subjective well-being of nursing students. A cross-sectional study is conducted, and the targets of the study will be 334 nursing students that study in a nursing college in central Taiwan and receive practical training in clinical institutions. A structural questionnaire, including demographic background information, internship experience scale, social support scale and subjective well-being scale, is used for data-collecting. The collected data are analyzed through the SPSS 12.0 for mean calculation, standard deviation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, and stepwise regression analysis. The results of the study are as follows: 1. Demographically, female participants outnumbered male ones; the percentage of participants without part-time jobs is higher than that of participants with; there are more participants that have already undertaken professional preparation; more of them do not live home during the session. 2. The full-year internship experience of college nursing students is considered fine. Of the six aspects of internship experience, “patient-caring” has the highest score, followed by “practical training field,” “nursing staff,” “instructor,” “professional intelligence;” “classmate and casual schedule” comes last. 3. The degree of social support for college nursing interns is good. Of the four aspects of social support, “tool support” has the highest average score, followed by “message support” “emotion support,” and then “dignity support.” 4. The results indicate that college nursing interns have nice senses of subjective well-being. Of the four aspects of the sense of subjective well-being, “interpersonal relationship” scores the highest, followed by “self-affirmation,” “life-satisfaction,” and “physical and mental health” the lowest. 5. The differences of part-time jobs and professional preparations significantly differentiate the internship experiences of college nursing interns. 6. An obvious differentiation on college nursing interns’ senses of subjective well-being is caused by the differences of professional preparation. 7. College nursing interns’ internship experiences and social supports are significantly and positively correlated with subjective well-being. 8. According to the result of hierarchical regression analysis, certain factors from a nursing intern’s personal background such as degree of professional preparation, Internship experience, and social support are main predictors and explain 30.7% of the variance of subjective well-being of clinical practice students in nursing college. The suggestion proposed in accordance with this study is that all nursing educators should try to understand the feeling and needs for each of nursing interns, and then accordingly provide necessary social support, create positive and satisfactory internship experience, and guide them to lives with true happiness so that they could be well prepared for their careers.


王美業、林淑玲、何美華、邱淑貞、蕭雁文(2003).大學護理系學生實習重症單位壓力之因應行為.新台北護理期刊,5 (1),47-60。


