  • 學位論文


The Case Study of Unattended Spaces Successfully Progressed into Leisure Spaces in Taichung County, Taiwan

指導教授 : 羅鳳恩,劉俊昌


行政院環保署從1997年開始各縣市推動社區環境改造工作至今已近十年,社區閒置空間轉換為休閒空間是環境改造推動工作項目之ㄧ。本研究以台中縣環保局所推動的環境改造社區為主軸,並聚焦於閒置空間改造為休閒空間之研究,探討社區進行閒置空間轉換為休閒空間時,居民對閒置空間以及轉換為休閒空間後之觀點,並探討空間改造對於社區居民之影響。 本研究主要針對台中縣環保局所輔導進行閒置空間改造之社區,且獲得該局編入台中縣環保志工社區改造成果集之十個社區中,進行五個個案社區挑選。經環保局推薦,進行個案之訪談,並以質化研究方式進行研究,訪談時間從2008年4月初至2008年6月底止,訪談對象為每一社區幹部 1人,居民或環保志工 2人,共計15人。 本研究發現,社區推動環境改造時,所選擇的閒置空間,以下列三項為主:1、私人閒置土地。2、公有閒置空間。3、閒置荒廢公園。上述三處空間,多半讓人有1、雜草叢生。2、廢物棄置。3、空間髒亂之觀感。因此當社區推動閒置空間改造時,可觀察社區內,是否有符合上述之情況,將該空間進行改造,通常能較有實質之成效產生。 本研究依據訪談之結果,將社區閒置空間改造成功因素,歸納出:1、初期製造誘因,2、尋求社區幹部與組織支持,3、改造工作由小而大,4、社區居民自發性改造為休閒空間等四點,作為社區推動環境改造之參考。


The Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan has promoted its community environmental reform project for 10 years. Transfering unattended space into leisure space in the community is one of the main objectives of the project. The objective of this research was to understand how the unattended spaces have been changed into leisure spaces and the openions of residents concerning the process of the change. Five communities assisted from Bureau of Environmental Protection, Taichung County, promoted as the ten top environmental progress communities, were selected as the research examples. Qualitative inquiry was used to interview five the cadre of the environment voluntary worker organization, ten residents or environment voluntary workers from each community during the period of April to June 2008. The results of this study were the followings: Private unattended spaces, public unatended spaces and wasted parks were the main categories of space to be improved. The main reasons of these spaces in the community selected as the environment progress places were wild grass and garbage covered, and spaces not used for a while. Those spaces can be qualified as the potential environment progress spaces at the selected communities to get effective results. To conduct the inducements to attract community to participate the environment progress program, to get supports from the cadre the cadre of the environment voluntary worker organization or other organizations in the community, the environments progressed from a small size to a big size, to encourage residents voluntarily to improve the environments of their community were the successful reasons of those communities. The results of this research are expected to help the potential community to improve their environments as examples.


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