  • 學位論文


A Study of the Factors Affecting the Sixth Graders' Academic Stress

指導教授 : 藍守仁教授


中 文 摘 要 本研究旨在瞭解影響國小六年級學童的學習壓力之相關因素。本研究以臺中縣大里市某國小六年級的學童為研究對象。採隨機抽樣方法,進行問卷調查,有效樣本計有246 份。研究工具為研究者自編之「國小六年級學童學習壓力感受問卷」、以及「父母期望問卷」係由郭生玉參考其他學者加以編製而成。 所得資料以 SPSS 12.0 軟體進行t檢定、變異數分析、Spearman相關與多元逐步迴歸分析,以驗證相關之研究假設。茲將本研究之主要研究結果摘要如下: 一、國小學童課業壓力之情形: 根據研究結果發現,國小學童在五點量尺的學習壓力量表上,各層面之順序由高而低為「個人壓力」、「父母壓力」、「同學壓力」、「老師壓力」。 二、不同背景變項的國小學童課業壓力之差異或相關情形: (一)不同性別的國小學童,在「同儕壓力」上有顯著差異。在「同儕壓力」方面,六年級的女生所感受到來自同儕之學習壓力大於六年級的男生。 (二)父母期望不同的國小學童,其學習壓力不具有顯著差異;每週學才藝總小時數與學習壓力間,也不具有顯著差異。但是,父母期望愈高者,每週上才藝課的小時數也愈多。另外,父母期望與學業成績也具顯著差異,父母期望愈高者,學業成績愈高。 (三)每週除了學校體育課,有固定運動1.5小時以上的學童與無固定運動1.5小時以上的學童,學習壓力具有顯著差異。 (四)生活滿意度與學習壓力具有顯著差異。學生自述生活滿意度「不滿意」者,其學習壓力愈高,學生自述生活滿意度「滿意」者,其學習壓力愈低。 (五)不同學業成績與學習壓力具有顯著差異。學生自述學業成績在班上屬「下」者,其學習壓力愈高,學生自述學業成績在班上屬「上」者,其學習壓力愈低。 (六)在性別、每週上才藝課的小時數、每週是否規律運動1.5小時以上、學業成績、生活滿意度六項中,只有學業成績、生活滿意度二項對學習壓力有預測能力。 根據以上之研究結果,提出之建議為: (一)認清「父母適切具體的期望」對學童身心健康的重要性、父母應調整心態,讓孩子多元發展、快樂學習、父母應多陪伴子女,養成從小規律的運動習慣,協助排解壓力,增進親子關係。 關鍵字:學習壓力、國小學童


學習壓力 國小學童


Abstract The purpose of the study was to understand the factors affecting the sixth graders’ academic stress. The study adopted the questionnaire investigation method. The 246 valid subjects were chosen from the sixth graders in Dali, Tai-Chung County and were randomly sampled. The study used the “The Questionnaire of the sixth graders academic stress”, edited by the researcher, and “ the parents’ expectation questionnaire”, edited by Guo, Sheng-yu. The collected data was analyzed by SPSS 12 program, using t test, ANOVA, Spearman correlation, and multiply regression. The major findings of the study were as following: 1. The academic stress status of the elementary school students: On the five scale stress of different aspects questionnaire, most stress came from “stress of individual person”, “stress from the parents” is the next, “stress from the peers” is the third, and the least stress is “stress from the teacher”. 2. Among the different background variables of the elementary school students: (1)For the “stress from the peers” , the sixth graders female and male was found significantly different. The sixth graders female perceived higher peer stress than the sixth graders male students. (2)Among the different parents’ expectation students, the academic wasn’t found significantly different. The total hours of extra curriculums per week wasn’t, either. However, the higher the parents’ expectation to the children, the more hours of extra curriculums per week. The student with the higher parents’ expectation, the better academic achievement he is. (3)Except school PE class, the students with regular exercise time more than 1.5 hour per week is significant with more stress than those who without. (4)The life satisfaction and academic stress were found significantly different. The students indicate themselves with lower life satisfaction,the higher academic stress, and vice versa. (5)The academic achievement is found significant different from the academic stress. The students indicate themselves with lower academic achievement, the high their academic stress, and vice versa. (6) Among sex, the per week extra curriculums hours, whether regular exercise more than 1.5 hours per week, the academic achievement, and the life satisfaction six items, only the academic achievement and the life satisfaction items have the predict ability to academic stress. According to the research findings above, the suggestions were as following: Parents should exactly know the importance of appropriate expectation to their children, they should adjust their attitude about balanced learning in every fields, accompany their children more often, establish regular exercise habit, and help their children to release their stress. Key words: academic stress, the elementary school student Key words: academic stress, the elementary school student


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