  • 學位論文


A Study of User's Satisfaction with Female Toilets in Taichung City Department Stores, - Chung-Yo and Shin-Kong Mitsukoshi Department Stores as Examples.

指導教授 : 羅鳳恩 陳瀅世


女性出門在外都有使用公廁的經驗,然而其令人詬病之處,像是空間及數量不足、缺乏衛生紙、置物掛鈎、親子設備等現象,每每令女性感到十分不便。本研究則從女性使用者的觀點出發,以中部地區中友百貨與新光三越百貨女廁為研究範圍,來探討女廁的體驗現況及其滿意度。調查時間為2009年2月1日起至2009年3月15日止,總計發出610份問卷,有效問卷578份,有效問卷率94.8%,研究結果如下: 一、中友百貨女廁 所有需求項目比較結果,前五名排列順序分別為「廁所定期維護、清潔」、「設置鏡子」、「設置垃圾桶」、「提供衛生紙」、「設置洗手檯」。所有規劃項目比較結果,前五名排列順序分別為「設置鏡子」、「廁所定期維護、清潔」、「提供洗手乳或肥皂」、「設置沖水設備」、「提供蹲式便器」與「提供衛生紙」並列。所有維護項目比較結果,前五名排列順序分別為「設置鏡子」、「提供衛生紙」、「設置沖水設備」、「廁所定期維護、清潔」、「設置洗手檯」與「設置垃圾桶」、「提供洗手乳或肥皂」三項並列。所有環境整潔滿意度比較結果,前三名依序為「鏡子清潔」、「廁間內便器及周邊清潔」、「洗手台清潔」與「隔板、門板、牆壁清潔」並列。 二、新光三越百貨女廁 所有需求項目比較結果,前五名排列順序分別為「設置洗手台」與「定期維護、清潔」並列、「設置垃圾桶」、「設置鏡子」、「提供衛生紙」。所有規劃項目比較結果,前五名排列順序分別為「提供衛生紙」、「設置鏡子」、「設置垃圾桶」、「設置沖水設備」與「設置洗手檯」並列。所有維護項目比較結果,前五名排列順序分別為「設置鏡子」、「提供衛生紙」、「設置洗手檯」、「提供洗手乳或肥皂」、「設置沖水設備」與「設置垃圾桶」並列。所有環境整潔滿意度比較結果,前三名依序為「鏡子清潔」、「隔板、門板、牆壁清潔」、「洗手台水龍頭清潔」。   三、中友百貨與新光三越百貨女廁綜合比較 中友百貨與新光三越百貨之安全性規劃滿意度、硬體方便性規劃滿意度、硬體方便性維護滿意度、周邊硬體設施規劃滿意度、周邊硬體設施維護滿意度、軟體設施規劃滿意度、軟體設施維護滿意度、及環境整潔滿意度有顯著性差異,以上各項中友百貨之平均數皆高於新光三越百貨。 由以上資料可知,受訪者對女廁之需求認知與規劃情形相關性不大,建議公、私部門爾後從事廁所規劃時,能納入女性的使用觀點做為考量,共同營造優質友善的如廁空間。


百貨公司 女廁 認知 滿意度


Females all have the experience in using public toilets, however, inconvenience like the shortage of public toilets, having no toilet paper, no space available for their personal belongings, lack of nursery toilets, etc, have left them with no choice but to cope with it. This study aims to explore user’s satisfaction on using female toilets at department stores based on female perspectives. This research started from Feb. 1st, 2009 till Mar. 15th, 2009. Six hundred and ten copies of questionnaires were distributed to the customers, 578 valid data were used to analyze the result, reaching the valid corresponding rate of 94.8 percent. The outcomes of the study are as follows: 1. Outcomes of Chung-Yo department store: The top five most essential equipments for female toilets are regular cleanings, mirrors, waste baskets, toilet paper supplies, and wash-basins. The top five most satisfying toilet plannings are mirrors, regular cleanings, hand soap supplies, flushing system, squat toilets and toilet paper supplies. The top five most satisfying equipment maintenance are mirrors, toilet paper supplies, flushing system, regular cleanings, wash-basins, waste baskets and hand soap supplies. The top three most satisfying overall cleanliness are mirror cleanliness, toilet bowl cleanliness, wash-basin cleanliness and wall cleanliness. 2. Outcomes of Shin-Kong Mitsukoshi department store: The top five most essential equipments for female toilets are wash-basins, regular cleanings, waste baskets, mirrors, and toilet paper supplies. The top five most satisfying toilet plannings are toilet paper supplies, mirrors, waste baskets, flushing system, and wash-basins. The top five most satisfying equipment maintenance are mirrors, toilet paper supplies, wash-basins, hand soap supplies, flushing system, and waste baskets. The top three most satisfying overall cleanliness are mirror cleanliness, wall cleanliness and faucet cleanliness. 3. Overall comparison of Chung-Yo and Shin-Kong Mitsukoshi department stores: The comparison of the safety equipments design satisfaction, hardware convenience design satisfaction, hardware convenience maintenance satisfaction, peripheral hardware design satisfaction, peripheral hardware maintenance satisfaction, software design satisfaction, software maintenance satisfaction, and overall cleanliness between Chung-Yo and Shin-Kong Mitsukoshi department stores have significant differences. The mean values of Chung-Yo are higher than that of Shin-Kong Mitsukoshi in terms of all compared items listed above.


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