  • 學位論文


Study on Current Situation of Children’s Anthropometric and its Influence Factors among one Rural School in Changhua Country

指導教授 : 張李淑女


目的:了解國小學童體位現況及其影響因素,為促進學童健康體位提供參考依據。 方法:本研究採橫斷式研究,以彰化縣某鄉村國小98 學年1 至6 年級1673 名(男907 名,女766 名)學童為研究對象。研究內容包含體位測量、收集學校政策及學童基本資料。依據「行政院衛生署兒童及青少年肥胖定義」評估學童體位,以SPSS 12.0中文版視窗統計軟體進行資料分析。以皮爾森相關分析BMI、腰圍及腰高圍之相關性。以多項式邏輯迴歸分析影響體位的因素。 結果: 1. 和1986-1988 年台灣地區膳食營養狀況調查(DNSIT II)結果比較,女學童及男學童平均身高增高約6.4 公分或5.0 %,體重增加約6.4 公斤和7.1 公斤或24.3 % 及26.9 % 。如果身高、體重和1993-1996 年第一次國民營養健康狀況變遷調查(NAHSIT I)結果比較,男女學童身高沒有太大差異,但是體重增加約9.1 % 及8.1 % 。再將身高體重與2005-2006 教育部全國學童資料比較則本研究身高體重皆與之相似。2. 學童過重、超重、過輕及適中盛行率分別為13%, 14% 20.9%,52.1%。女學童過重、超重、過輕及適中盛行率分別為12.8 %, 11.7%, 21.0%及54.4%。男學童過重、超重、過輕及適中盛行率分別為13.1%,16.0% ,20.7%及50.2%。3. 學童腰圍、腰高圍與身體質量指數呈高度相關(r =0.88, 0.82; P<0.01)。 結論:1.本研究國小學童身高及體重近16 年來增長減緩。男學童平均體重、BMI 、重高指數、腰圍及腰高圍顯著性大於女學童。2.學童體位與1986 至2005 年全國研究資料比較,體位適中比率下降,體重過輕及肥胖盛行率同時增加。3.本研究提供彰化縣國小學童按年齡、性別分類的腰圍及腰高圍平均值及百分位參考值。4. 社會人口學和學校政策因素對學童肥胖沒有影響。學校政策因素與體位相關的方向性需進一步釐清。 建議:增加腰圍測量可以確認腹部肥胖風險學童。以簡單的WHtR 0.5做為篩選肥胖指標,可以提供家長、導師及學童更方便了解自己的體位。雖然整體體重呈右偏趨勢,但學童體位過輕及超重比率增加,學校應同時注意過輕及超重等極端體位同時存在的問題。


學童 盛行率 過輕 過重 肥胖


Objective: The objective of this study was to examine the prevalence of underweight and overweight or obesity in elementary schoolchildren and investigate the trend of anthropometric change through the years and its influence factors. Methods: The study was a cross-sectional study including a sample of 1673 elementary schoolchildren, aged 6 to 11 years in Changhua country. Anthropometric parameters such as Body weight, height, and waist circumference (WC) were measured using standard procedures. Underweight, overweight and obesity were based on the recommendation by Department of Health Executive Yuan Taiwan, using aged -and gender-specific BMI values. Sex-specific descriptive statistics for whole-year age groups and percentile curves of height, weight, BMI, weight for length index (WLI), WC and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) were derived and presented. Statistical analyses were performed with SPSS 12.0. Inter-correlations between BMI and WC as well as WHtR were assessed using Pearson correlation coefficients. Personal data and policies variables were using multinomial logistic regression. Results: Girls and boys had an average of 6.4cm, or 5.0% increase in height, and 6.4 kg, 7.1 kg , or 24.3 % and 26.9 % increase in weight when compared to data of nationwide survey in 1986-1988. Compared to the data of nationwide survey in 1993-1996, our girls and boys would have similar height but weight have averaged 8.1 % and 9.1 % heavier. However, the girls and boys in our study would have similar height and weight with nationwide survey in 2005-2006. The overall prevalence of overweight, obesity and underweight were 13.0%,14.0% and 20.9% respectively. Also the prevalence of overweight, obesity and underweight among girls were 12.8 %, 11.7% and 21.0 %; among boys were 13.1%,16.0% and 20.7% respectively. The WC increased with age, but WHtR decreased with age from 6 to 9 years and than increased from 10 to 11 years. WC correlated more closely than WHtR with BMI(r =0.88, 0.82; P<0.01). Conclusion: Both sexes had softened growth in height within recent 16 years. Boys had significantly higher weight , WLI, BMI, WC, WHtR than girls. Prevalence of obesity and underweight is higher than nationwide survey in 1986 to 2005. Reference values and percentile curves for height, weight, BMI,WC and WHtR of Changhua country schoolchildren are provided.


schoolchildren prevalence underweight overweight obesity


行政院衛生署(2005)。臺灣地區2010 年衛生指標白皮書。行政院衛生署。
行政院衛生署(2010)。98 年度死因統計。臺北,行政院衛生署。


