  • 期刊


A Case Report of Second-Degree Burns Treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine Ointment


本病例報告之患者因壓力鍋噴濺造成全身16% 二度燙傷,於燙傷中心住院治療兩週後出院返家自行護理。出院後自行貼敷人工皮並服用口服抗生素。在家護理一週後患處仍疼痛難耐,故於2014/8/20 至本院中西整合醫療科求診。本病例外治法處方提供清熱解毒、行氣活血、去腐生新藥調理,內治法處方治以益氣養陰、寧心安神,疏肝理氣、益陰清熱為治則。療程中使用金瘡膏與紫雲膏混合外敷,患處疼痛感明顯減輕,局部發紅現象減退,因疼痛而影響睡眠之情形亦獲得改善,大大地提升患者的生活品質。故燒燙傷患者除了西醫治療以外,亦可以配合中醫調理更可以加速傷口癒合及疼痛不適感的改善。希望藉由本案例提供臨床醫師參考,提早中醫治療燒燙傷患者介入的時機。


二度燙傷 紫雲膏 金瘡膏


We report herein on a patient who suffered from a splash and spill burn when opened pressure cooker, and got second-degree burns with 16% of total body surface area. Follow-up care at home using self-adhesive patches and was treated with oral antibiotics after discharge from the hospital (under 2 weeks). The pain was still very much from the affected area 1-week post-discharge, so the patient visited our Chinese Medical Center for further treatment on August 20, 2014. Following appropriate treatment consists of Jin-Chuang-Gao and Zi-Yun-Gao applied to lesions, pain subsides significantly as redness decreased over days to weeks. The patient reported significant pain relief, and therefore improved sleep quantity, which has been associated with significantly improve quality of life scores. The combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with Western medicine could be used to accelerate wound healing and improve symptoms of pain and discomfort. The favorable response obtained in this case was due to the medication for external use. We recommend that TCM treatments are available for patients with burn injuries in early Intervention.


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