  • 期刊


The Image of Singapore in the Han Poems by Huang Zunxian--and Its Double Comparison with Travel Notes of the Late Qin Dynasty--




形象 晚清 黃遵憲 新加坡 遊記 漢詩


Huang Zunxian was assigned as the first Consul-General in Singapore from 1891 to 1894, during his tenure, he actively protected overseas Chinese and promoted Chinese language education. Compared with the writings on Singapore by some travelers in the late Qin Dynasty, the Han poems by Huang Zunxian are quite distinctive. Different from the fantastic stories written by most Chinese travelers who focus on the darker skin and red lips of aborigines, or the rare and valuable animals, his poems concentrate on the reality and local cultures, which demonstrates an exotic landscape where it's always summer, rich in natural resources, and multi-ethnic people live together. The preservation of traditional Chinese culture by the Chinese in Singapore, which was regarded by many Chinese travelers as a concrete manifestation of the propagation of Chinese cultural, was further considered as a reconfirmation of their own cultural superiority. In the "Chapter of the Overseas Chinese", Huang Zunxian, from different angles of view, reproduced a repeatedly transitioned figure of China in a realistic predicament where multiethnic cultures coexisted together and they were unable to return back to their motherlands, presenting a different interpretation and imagination of the figure of China.


[晉]干寶撰,汪紹楹校注:《搜神記》(北京:中華書局,1979 年 10 月)。
[南朝梁]殷芸:《殷芸小說》,收錄於王根林等校點:《漢魏六朝筆記小說大觀》(上海:上海古籍出版社,1999 年 12 月)。
[宋]范曄,《後漢書》(北京:中華書局點校本,1997 年 9 月)。
〔清〕斌椿:《海國勝遊草》,鍾叔河主編:《走向世界叢書修訂本(一)》(長沙:岳麓書社,2008 年 10 月)。
〔清〕王韜:《漫遊隨錄圖記》(濟南:山東畫報出版社,2004 年 6 月)。
