  • 期刊


Research on the History and Development of "Dance Classes for Talented Students" in Taiwan and Their Current Implementation-Examples in Senior High School Context




The present study examines literature related to dance education in Taiwan through document analysis for the purpose of understanding the development of dance education as well as the history of "Dance Classes for Talented Students" in high school context. It also explores the current implementation of such classes. This study not only aims to draw a map of relevant information as foundation for future studies, but hopes to locate possible factors that may affect the current development of "Dance Classes for Talented Students" in high schools. The finding suggests that the current development of dance education in Taiwan grows stable due to the legislation of The Special Education Act and the Arts Education Act, which the implementation of dance classes gets to follow. In addition, the dance education has been isolated from traditional PE classes, and becomes a full-scale educational system all the way from grade 1 to graduate schools. Despite the system and the acts, there are still discrepancies as well as problems to be worked on, such as goals of dance classes, teacher training and certification, students' career, financial supports, designs of core curriculum, and payment of part-time teachers. In short, setting out form reviewing the literature regarding present topic, this study explores the possibility of expanding such a research topic and compiles information about the difficulties of current dance education so as to raise public awareness, elicit responses and solutions to relevant issues, and improve the quality of dance education.


教育部(2000) 。藝術教育法。華總(一)義字第8900011870 號令修正公布
