  • 期刊


The Study of Group Guidance Effects for the Children of the Southeastern Asia Immigration Spouses


本研究旨在探討團體輔導方案對東南亞籍配偶子女的自我概念與生活適應之立即性與延宕性輔導效果。爲此,研究者編製「東南亞籍配偶子女生活適應量表」。本量表分爲學校關係適應、家庭生活適應、自我情緒調解、學校生活調適與家庭關係適應五個分量表,總量表的Cronbach α爲0.935,共可解釋全部量表變異量的70.137%。 本研究採隨機分派等組前後測實驗設計,研究對象爲十六名母親國籍爲東南亞籍之國小中年級學童,隨機分派爲實驗組和控制組。以「國小學童自我概念量表」與研究者自編的「東南亞籍配偶子女生活適應量表」爲評量工具,所得資料以單因子共變數分析進行統計考驗。 本研究之主要發現如下: 一、立即輔導效果 (一)在自我概念方面: 團體輔導對東南亞籍配偶子女在「同儕自我」具有立即性輔導效果。 (二)在生活適應方面: 團體輔導對東南亞籍配偶子女在「東南亞籍配偶子女生活適應量表」之總量表及「學校關係適應」、「學校生活調適」分量表具有立即性輔導效果。 二、延宕輔導效果 (一)在自我概念方面: 團體輔導對東南亞籍配偶子女在「同儕自我」與「情緒自我」具有延宕性輔導效果。 (二)在生活適應方面:團體輔導對東南亞籍配偶子女在「東南亞籍配偶子女生活適應量表」之總量表及「學校關係適應」、「自我情緒調解」與「學校生活調適」分量表具有延宕性輔導效果。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the immediate and follow-up guidance effects on the self-concept and the life adjustment of the children of the immigration spouses. The investigator compiled ”The Life Adjustment Scale of The Children of The Southeastern Asia Immigration Spouses”. The scale was divided to five sub-scales including adjustment of school relationship, adjustment of family life, accommodation of self-emotion, accommodation of school life, and adjustment of family relationship. The coefficient of Cronbach α of the total scale was 0.935, and could explain 70.137% of the variation of total scale. This study used a randomly assigned pretest-posttest equivalent-group design, and the subjects, including 16 middle-grade students of the southeastern Asia immigration mothers, were randomly assigned to the experiment group and control group. ”The Scale of Self-concept of The Elementary School Students” and ”The Life Adjustment Scale of The Elementary School Students of The Southeastern Asia Immigration Spouses” designed by the author were used as evaluation tools, and the data were statistic analyzed by one-way ANOVA. The main findings of this study were described as follows: Ⅰ. In the immediate guidance effect: 1. In self-concept In ”peer-self” concept, group guidance exhibited immediate guidance effect in the immigration spouses' children. 2. In life adjustment In the total scale of ”The Life Adjustment Scale of The Children of The Southeastern Asia Immigration Spouses” and ”adjustment of school relationship”, ”accommodation of school life” concepts, group guidance exhibited immediate guidance effects in the immigration spouses' children. Ⅱ. In the follow up guidance effect: 1 In self-concept In ”peer-self” and ”emotion-self” concept, group guidance exhibited follow-up guidance effects in the immigration spouses' children. 2. In life adjustment In the total scale of ”The Life Adjustment Scale of The Children of The Southeastern Asia Immigration Spouses” and ”adjustment of school relationship”, ”accommodation of self emotion” and ”accommodation of school life” concepts. group guidance exhibited follow up guidance effects in the immigration spouses' children.




