  • 期刊


Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis in Adult Mandible-A Case Report




Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare disease with unknown etiology. We present an adult patient who suffering from LCH with an atypical clinical manifestation in the mouth. A 64-year-old female complained of right mandibular mass with mild pain for months. Radiographic examinations revealed a cortical bone perforation at right mandibular border. After surgical intervention, the pathological examination confirmed the disease entity to be the Langerhans cell histiocytosis. Because multifocal lesions were found, oncologists were consulted for adjuvant radiotherapy and chemotherapy. As asymptomatic lesions presented in the mandible, periodic periodontal and endodontic treatment for intraoral lesions were performed. We have kept follow-up on this patient for 4 years since the primary lesion were noted. Although primary lesions remaining stationary, secondary lesions developed at upper left posterior and at lower right posterior teeth region between 2007 and 2009. The initial manifestation of LCH in this patient was a soft tissue lesion involved into lower border of mandible causing cortical bone destruction. LCH rarely occurs in the adult patients. The manifestations of LCH in the mouth might mimic the signs of periodontal diseases and lead to delay in diagnosis. We thus present this case report in order to remind clinicians to include the LCH in differential diagnosis of such osteolytic lesions of jaw bone.


Langerhans cell histiocytosis mandible adult
