  • 期刊


A Comparative Analysis of the Children's Academic Achievement among the Socioeconomic Background of New Immigrants, Aboriginal, and Hans Marriage Mating: An Example of Elementary School Fourth Graders in Pingtung County




This study, adopted "2010 Pingtung Education Longitudinal Survey, PELS", explored the marriage-mating' difference of immigrants, Aboriginals and Hans families' socioeconomic background would affect their children's academic achievement in Pingtung County. The findings are as follows: First of all: The academic achievement of both-parents-Hans-children is the best; the worst is both-parents-Aboriginals-children. Second: The socioeconomic background has the positive impact on the children's academic achievement. Third: The variables' means of socioeconomic background of Hans-father and new-immigrants-mother, compared to the others is the most vulnerable, are the lowest. However, their academic achievement is not the worst which is behind only both-parents-Hans-children. Moreover, it's beyond new-immigrants-father and Hans-mother children which the highest means of socioeconomic background. After controlling the socioeconomic background, their academic achievement becomes significantly beyond both-parents-Hans-children. Fourth: The means of socioeconomic background of new-immigrants-father and Hans-mother is the highest; however, their academic achievement is not the best. Not only is behind both-parents-Hans-children but also Hans-father and new-immigrants-mother which the socioeconomic background means are the lowest! After controlling the socioeconomic background, their academic achievement becomes significantly behind both-parents-Hans-children. Fifth: The means of socioeconomic background of both-parents-Aboriginals are not the lowest; however, their academic achievement is the worst! After controlling the socioeconomic background, their academic achievement compared to both-parents-Hans has been reduced, but it's still significant the lowest.


方曄雲 (2011) 。 台灣四大族群。 取自http://tw.people.com.cn/BIG5/83207/228339/228347/15552834.html。
內政部統計處(2014a)。103 年 1-3 月結婚登計概況。內政統計通報 103 年第 16 週。取自http://sowf.moi.gov.tw/stat/week/list.htm。
內政部統計處(2014b)。103 年第 1 季嬰兒出生狀況統計。內政統計通報 103 年第 17 週。取自http://sowf.moi.gov.tw/stat/week/list.htm。
