  • 期刊


Qin Zihao's Late Works and Symbolist Poetics: Centering on The Gallery




Instead of reading Qin Zihao's late works by taking for granted Qin's identity as a Symbolist poet, this article wants to problematize and contextualize his Symbolist poetics. I want to emphasize that, for one thing, Qin's attitudes toward Western Symbolist poets indeed went through a tremendous change between his early days and late years. For another, rather than pinpoint the so-called "Symbolism" to a certain group of writers, a more productive approach would be to explore its inner affinity to the writings and life stories of the poet. Based on Qin's own literary thoughts and poetry writing with a focus on his last poetry collection, The Gallery, this article intends to elaborate how the poet deploys the Symbolist poetics to create an aesthetic totality that resolves (or fails to resolve) the pains and sufferings in real life. More important, it is my contention that, despite the seeming contrasts between Qin's early and late works, one can nonetheless detect an underlying consistency that really testifies to the poetic agency vis-à-vis the political hegemony.


錢理群:《1948:天地玄黃》(北京:中華書局,2008 年)。
劉正偉:《覃子豪詩研究》(臺北:文史哲出版社,2005 年)。
吳曉東:《象徵主義與中國現代文學》(合肥:安徽教育出版社,2000 年)。
奚密:《現代漢詩》(上海:三聯書店,2008 年)。
──:《抒情主義與中國現代詩學》(北京大學出版社,2012 年)。
