  • 期刊


Action Research in Interior Design Workplace and Design Practice Teaching




More than just a profession, interior design is the habit of mind. In planning its professional education, interior design should not only include the cognition of basic theory, but the teaching of workplace and design practice. The reasoning process is heart of practice teaching, begins from comprehension to transformation, teaching, evaluation, reflection to reach new comprehension. Through the teaching practice of the course of "Introduction to Workplace and Design Practice," six experts were invited to carry out team teaching including course planning and execution. Additionally, 119 students who took the course were evaluated to comprehend their learning outcomes. The concrete results of the study are as follows: I. Integrating external practice and experience resources: with the teaching collaboration of experts in course planning and execution, it positively drove learning motivation and shrank education-employment mismatch in addition to improving the experience of teaching practice. II. Experts' experience was an issue to probe into practice: through the promotion of workplace value and group discussions and reflection of experts, it comprehended that practice and teaching should be prone to objective and suitable experiential theory. III. Probing into the autonomous cognition of the researcher, habits of mind of experts and awareness of students taking the course: it further expanded and changed perspectives on action research in the practice teaching of interior design and enhanced students' willingness to learn.


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