  • 期刊


Using Information Systems to Enhance the Rate of Complete Preparation of Patients for an Endoscopic Examination




This project aimed at utilizing information systems to enhance the rate of patients with complete preparation for an endoscopic examination. The endoscopic examination team requires a lot of time to ensure that everything is thoroughly prepared for an examination, and patients often inquire about when they will be able to take an examination due to the amount of preparation they need beforehand. There have been incidents where the nurse fails to complete anesthesia consultation or correctly hand over the preparation progress to the next shift, causing 53.6% of patients to have a delayed examination. In 2014, the rate of patients with complete preparation for a stress-free endoscopic examination was only 77.6%. Through analysis, the following causes of the low completion rate were identified: (1) insufficient training for the medical staff; (2) ineffective pre-examination fasting by the patient; (3) absence of a solid procedure for handovers; and (4) lack of regulations and auditing of handovers. To address these problems, the following solutions were proposed: (1) design slogans and posts to remind patients of fasting; (2) build an examination scheduling system; (3) set up principles for handovers; (4) arrange cross-team training on the procedure of stress -free endoscopic examinations; and (5) implement auditing of the preparation for a stress-free endoscopic examination. Through these procedures, the rate of patients with complete preparation for an endoscopic examination reached 100%, resulting in an improvement of both patient safety and work efficiency.


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