  • 期刊


Combination of Scalp Acupuncture and Laser Acupuncture on a Child With Delayed Development Accompanied by Autistic Tendency


本病例報告描述治療一位2歲的男童發展遲緩合併自閉症傾向之案例。患者於1歲9個月(2020年8月)時被發現有語言遲緩情形,且與人少眼神交流、專注力差且有重複性動作,至花蓮慈濟醫院復健科就診,依嬰幼兒綜合發展測驗(comprehensive developmental inventory for infants and toddlers, CDIIT)評估後,此病患在語言、社會性和自理方面皆有發展遲緩的現象,故診斷為發展遲緩,並伴有自閉症傾向,自診斷後即持續接受復健科職能治療和語言治療,並在2020年11月至花蓮慈濟醫院中醫部接受治療。以1週1次的頻率給予頭皮針與手部雷射針灸治療。經過2週的治療後,模仿力開始進步,開始可以模仿越來越多動物的聲音,且可以聽懂簡單的指令。中醫治療3個月後,於2021年2月(中醫治療3個月後)時語言能力明顯進步,會講比較多的話,可以主動說出先前所學習到、接收到的字彙或物體的名字(如:時鐘),且此時依照CDIIT評估,與治療前之比較,在語言項目中,理解項目的原始分數從6提升到9;表達項目的原始分數從9提升至12;而在語言總分中,百分等級從1提升至5,發展商數從69提升至74。2021年5月(中醫治療半年後),開始可以將單字串成一句簡短的話,且重複性動作減少8成,專注時間提升5成。2021年7月(中醫治療8個月後),語句的單字增加,且其語言發展已追上同年齡的孩子,並持續治療至今。


This case report describes the treatment of a 2-year-old boy with delayed development accompanied by autistic tendency. He had developmental delay since the age of 1 year and 9 months (August 2020) and limited eye contact with others, poor concentration, and repetitive movements. Evaluation using the Comprehensive Developmental Inventory for Infants and Toddlers (CDIIT) revealed slow development in language, sociality, and self-care after he was diagnosed with delayed development accompanied by autistic tendency at the Rehabilitation Department of Hualien Tzuchi Hospital. Following the diagnosis (August 2020). He began receiving occupational therapy and speech rehabilitation therapy. After 3 months (November 2020), he started on acupuncture treatment in the Chinese Medicine Department of Tzu Chi Hospital in Hualien. Scalp acupuncture and laser acupuncture were administered once a week for 2 weeks after the patient became more imitative and could imitate more sounds of animals and understand some simple instructions. After 3 months of continuous treatment, his linguistic competence showed significant improvement, and he could actively speak more vocabulary or about objects that he had previously learned and received, such as a clock, in February 2021. At this time, a second evaluation via CDIIT was performed. Compared with the pretreatment evaluation, the original score of comprehension increased from 6 to 9 in the language evaluation, and the original score of expression increased from 9 to 12. The percentile of total language score increased from 1 to 5, and the developmental quotient of total language score increased from 69 to 74. After 6 months of continuous treatment, the patient started to string single words into a short sentence (for instance, I want to watch a cartoon for 10 min); his repetitive movements were reduced by 80%, and the time of concentration was increased by 50% in May 2021. After 8 months of continuous treatment, the number of words in sentences increased in July 2021; his development in language reached that of children of the same age, and treatment is being continued till today.
