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The Performance of Bank Privatization: The Application of the Matching Theory




This paper compares the performance of bank privatization using privatized banks from 43 countries ranging 1992-2007. We use the CAMEL model, which is used by the Uniform Financial Institution Rating System, to examine the performance of the bank. This paper uses four matching methods to search for controlled banks with similar characteristic variables in the same countries. Then this study proposes five issues to investigate whether the performance of banks can be improved after privatization. First, the performance of banks can be improved after privatization in capital, asset, management and earnings indices. Next, the long-term privatization effect outperforms the short-term privatization effect, but only for management and earnings indices. Third, there is only a partial privatization effect in full privatization, but not for partial privatization. Fourth, both types of privatization are only effective for management and earnings indices. Last, privatization effects are only effective in low and middle development countries, but not in high development countries. Overall, our results show that the privatization of banks can only partially improve performance in some cases. So we consider the privatization effect obviously affected by the time, the percent of privatization, the type of privatization and the development degree of countries. Hence, the performance of banks is not always improved after privatization.


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