  • 期刊


A Research on the Perception and Implementation of Risk Management of Intercollegiate Athletics Coaches


本研究旨在瞭解大專校院運動教練對於運動代表隊風險管理因子重要性之認知,以及其運動代表隊風險管理之實施現況。以大專校院339位運動教練為研究對象,並利用自編之「大專校院運動教練風險管理認知與實施現況調查問卷」為研究工具進行問卷調查。以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、薛費法等進行統計分析,得到以下結論: 一、男性專任體育教師、講師且學歷為碩士者,為大專校院運動教練最大人力資源。 二、大專校院運動教練對運動代表隊風險管理因子整體達「重要」認知,且認為「訓練競賽」因素在風險管理認知上是最重要的。 三、大專校院運動代表隊風險管理之實施現況整體達「尚稱符合」,實施情形以「訓練競賽」因素最完善。 四、各風險管理因子在認知與實施現況的檢定中達顯著差異,且各風險管理因子認知顯著高於實施現況。 五、不同個人背景變項之運動教練對運動代表隊風險管理因子重要性認知之差異(一)私立大專校院在「醫療體系」、「場地設備」、「器材」、「訓練競賽」、「教練專業」因素上高於公立大專校院。 六、不同團隊特質之大專校院運動代表隊風險管理實施現況之差異 (一)公立大專校院風險管理實施現況,在「行政支援」、「場地設備」、「代表隊管理」因素上,比私立大專校院完善;在「訓練競賽」因素上,則私立大專校院優於公立大專校院。 (二)獨立學院風險管理實施現況,在「行政支援」、「代表隊管理」因素上優於大學;在「場地設備」、「器材」因素上,軍警學校優於專科學校。 (三)男子甲組、女子甲組,在「行政支援」因素上實施現況優於女子乙組;在「器材」因素上,男子甲組、男子乙組、女子甲組均優於女子乙組;在「代表隊管理」因素上,男子甲組實施現況優於女子乙組。


The purpose of this research was to explore intercollegiate athletics coaches' perception on the importance of risk management of athletic teams and the current situation of risk management implementation. The 339 subjects of this research are intercollegiate athletics coaches in Taiwan. A self-developed questionnaire titled ”A Questionnaire on Risk Management Perception and Implementation of Intercollegiate Athletics Coaches” was used as a research tool to collect data. The researcher carried out statistical analysis by means of descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA analysis and Scheffe's method and obtained the following conclusions: 1. The male full-time PE teachers and lecturers who have master's degrees are the greatest sources of intercollegiate athletics coaches. 2. All intercollegiate athletics coaches recognize that risk management factors are important for athletic teams, and they consider sports training as the most important factor in their perception of risk management. 3. The implementation of risk management for athletic teams is satisfactory as a whole, and among all factors, sports training has been implemented with the best result. 4. In perception and implementation of the various risk management factors, the test results show significant differences. The perception of risk management factors is remarkably higher than the implementation of those factors. 5. Coaches with different background variables are different in their perception on the importance of risk management factors for athletic teams: (1)Private colleges and universities have higher perception of the medical system, locations and facilities, equipment, sport training, and coach's professional capacity than public colleges and universities. 6. Differences in current situation of risk management implemented in athletic teams with different characteristics: (1)The implementation of risk management factors such as administrative support, locations and facilities, and management of athletic teams in public colleges and universities is better than in private colleges and universities. However, the private colleges and universities provide better sports training than public colleges and universities do. (2)The current situation of risk management in independent colleges is better than in universities with respect to factors such as administrative support and management of athletic teams; while it is better in the military and police schools than in colleges with respect to locations and facilities and equipment. (3)Men's Group A and Women's Group A receive more administrative support than Women's Group B gets; Men's Group A, Men's Group B and Women's Group A have better equipment than Women's Group B does; the management of athletic teams in Men's Group A and Women's Group A is better than in Women's Group B.


Intercollegiate Athletics Coach Risk Risk Management




