  • 期刊

La interculturalidad desde la perspectiva sociolingüística de los estudiantes taiwaneses de español lengua extranjera




This study investigates the knowledge, significance and interest of Taiwanese students of Spanish foreign language (SFL) to their own culture, Chinese- Taiwanese culture (C1) and Spanish culture (C2). Second, the research analyzes the impact of SFL proficiency on the students' sociolinguistics perception to the both cultures and its influence on SFL classroom. Finally, explores how the students perceive their foreign teachers' interest and knowledge of Chinese-Taiwanese cultures and its effect in SFL learning process. Likert questionnaires were taken by a representative sample of 176 SFL students, from four different language proficiency recruited from Eumeia Language Center in Taipei. The results show a different perception of C1 and C2. This finding has a significant relevance in SFL classroom because it indicates that the acquisition of intercultural competence precise relevant changes on both, students and teachers.


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