  • 期刊


Can-do based Classroom Activities and Assessment in Second Foreign Language: Analysis on Learners' Self Assessment


本研究根據Can-do概念,於第二外語日文課程中導入A2~ B1程度之教室活動及評量方式,進行教學實踐及考察。為了在教學內容中採用Can-do形式的「課題達成」教學大綱(課題遂行シラバス),筆者在「日文(三)」的課程中,於指定的閱讀教材之外,每週固定進行聽力(受容面)及口語(產出面)的練習,並設計了①會話課題(会話タスク)、②台灣的節慶、③有關台灣的新聞報導三種類型的教室活動。此外,亦採用Rubric評分量表及學習者的Can-do 自我評量,檢證教學實踐之有效性。透過上述教學實踐及評量方式, 期能發展今後第二外語教學之改善方向。


Can-do A2~B1級 第二外語 教室活動 評量


Based on the concept of "Can-do", this research adapted A2~B1 level's classroom activities and assessment in to the second foreign language Japanese lessons as the teaching practices. In order to utilize Can-do based Task Competence Syllabus in the Japanese course "Japanese III", in addition to the assigned reading, this author scheduled the weekly tasks of listening (input) and oral conversation (output). Also, three kinds of Can-do based classroom activities are designed: Conversation Task, Festivals in Taiwan, TV News about Taiwan. Besides, by using "Rubric" and learners' self assessment, this research aims to examine the effect of Can-do based teaching practices. By introducing the latest teaching practice and assessment methods, I expect to provide some research results to the second language Japanese education.


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