  • 期刊


The Issues and Outlook of Japanese Departments in Taiwan in the Age of Globalization: Quality Improvement and Innovation




全球化 少子女化 日語系 品質提升 創新


In the age of globalization, Japanese departments in Taiwan have been under the pressure from the development of English and the phenomenon of decreasing birthrate, and thus in a difficult situation with reducing learners. Some departments cannot even enroll enough students. There are six types of Japanese departments. Although their characteristics are different, they al l need quality enhancement and innovation. In the aspect of quality enhancement, mild improvements can be made in comprehensible input (i + 1). In the aspect of innovation, values can be created across different fields (J + α). The brand attraction of a Japanese department comes from its "reputation, reliability, and charm". The three processes are inevitable: "changing the current situation, disseminate ideals, and implementation". In the past, in making innovation, the most successful case is Soochow University with its "Accent Education". In the future, Japanese departments must focus on learners' needs and departments' self-positioning, in order to innovate departments' value. The future direction is to improve students' Japanese communication ability and help them to use their knowledge regarding the Japanese culture. In different areas, Japanese for Specific Purposes can be helpful. Language related issues still need guidance based on sociolinguistic theories. A Japanese department's organizational management and re-engineering relies on its teachers reaching common consensuses and its team members integrating their strengths.


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