  • 期刊

Rural Residents' Perceptions on Rural Cultural Changes and Prospects in Taiwan







In the rapid economic development process in Taiwan, non-material culture shows a development lag. Thus the society becomes disorganized and confused. People and government become aware of the importance of spiritual cultural improvement, including both in rural areas and in urban areas. The study of changes and prospects of non-material culture is a precondition for planning the framework of the development in rural spiritual culture.The objectives of the present study include (1) to understand changes of rural non-material culture in Taiwan through analyzing rural residents' perception on changes in four specific aspects of non-material life in the past decade. These four specific aspects are the attitude toward working, the ideal about money, the concept of moral and norm, and the ideal and viewpoint on consumption and enjoyment. (2) to predict future prospects of rural culture in Taiwan, by analyzing rural residents' ideas on the future prospects of the five selected aspects of rural culture, including the four aspects mentioned above and the expectation and plan for the future. (3) to compare differences in rural cultural changes in the past decade and culture prospects in the future perceived by different demographic and social groups of rural residents.A structured questionaire is designed and used for collecting needed data for the analysis. The study results indicate that some selected aspects of rural non-material culture, as hypothesized, become worse. But other selected aspects of non - material cultural changes are not so bad. As for the future prospects, some selected aspects of cultural conditions will become better and some other selected aspects will become worse. In some aspects of rural residents' attitude, belief and value, which are important non-material aspects of culture changes and propects, are varied more significantly by educational and occupational factors than by other demographic and social factors.


