  • 期刊


Israeli Multi-party Politics and the Formation of Government Coalition


以色列是唯一的猶太人移民國家,它本身的發展特殊,政治的運作有別於他國,本文將探討其政治運作,以期充分掌握其政黨、選舉與政府之間的關連性與真正的底蘊。以色列的政府體系是中央集權,沒有地方主義的傳統,其政黨以猶太復國運動的政黨占優勢。政黨的偏多,除了源於人民的理念分歧,選舉制度亦是強化因素。政治的不穩定,主要是6日戰爭所引起的以、阿彊界問題,左右兩派政黨彼此的不信任,帶給宗教傾向的政黨成為競爭者。其次,直接選舉總理,造成小黨數目和力量上升,總理需要與更多的政黨談判。90 年代拉賓和阿拉法特簽署奧斯陸協定以來,十多年間以色列經濟的成長史無前例,從選舉中可以看到以巴兩國解決之道反應出多數以色列人的心境,夏隆的前進黨所組成的聯合政府,吸收溫和的左派和右派選民的支持,反觀統一黨,由內坦亞胡領導下,亦亟力爭取中間派選民支持,這個新中間派的政治勢力如何妥善解決所佔領的土地以換取長久的和平,將決定以色列政治版圖的變動。


Israel is a unique Jewish state. Its development is specific and different from other countries. The paper is to explore its political operation to understand the relevance of parties, elections and governing governments. Basically, the Israeli politics is dominated by Zionist parties. They traditionally fall into three camps, the first two being the largest: Labor Zionism, Revisionist Zionism and Religious Zionism. There are also several non-Zionist orthodox religious parties, as well as anti-Zionist Israeli Arab parties. This election system encourages the formation of a large number of political parties, many with very specialized platforms, and often advocating the tenets of particular interest groups. The Knesset is its unicameral legislature and its 120 members are elected to 4-year terms. The major issue in Israeli political life is Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Because of dozens of different parties with representation in the Knesset, no parties can achieve a majority on its own. Therefore, several parties normally cooperate to build a coalition government and it is often unstable. Historically, control of the Israeli government has alternated between periods of rule by the right-wing Likud in coalition with several right-wing and religious parties and periods of rule by the center-left Labor in coalition with several left-wing parties.


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