  • 期刊


Politics of National Identity in Nineteen-twenty's Taiwan


本研究的成果肯定Benedict Anderson千禧年四月到台灣演講的斷語:理解當前臺灣的民族主義,不應該過份強調日本在台灣五十年殖民統治的重要性。但是支持這一斷語的理由,卻不是Anderson所說,前一波的民族主義透過現代媒體的傳播可供後一波「竊用」,而是出諸「民族想像的語言觀」的考慮。 從後殖民主義的理論出發,我們構築「想像的語言觀」為一分析坐標,首先沿著「宣示-理由」的x軸,分析論述中的宣示有多特殊,支持理由有多普遍,以其反差的程度斷定此一論述是否衍生自殖民母國的意識形態;其次沿著時間同質與否的y軸,解剖同一民族論述中核心與邊陲時間觀的對比,藉以捕捉在民族想像空間中,論述者遊移於不同主體位置的不確定性;最後,視x與y軸上的移動為組合意義對抗聚合意義的拉鋸戰,我們可以分析「人民」的原點中,「聚合」的陣線如何透過隱喻及轉喻的雙重作用,不斷嘗試收編「組合」陣線的異質意義。 運用「民族想像」的分析坐標,我們研究1920年代本地漢人出版《台灣民報》上的民族論述,證明:儘管史料不容我們看出這些民族認同論述在同質異質時間上的遊移;論述者在漢淚、中國、日本、台灣幾個主體位置上的徘徊不定,卻是不容置疑的。正是這一遊移徘徊削弱了殖民地民族主義的吸引力,也使得這一波的意識形態無法成為當下台灣民族主義的先導。


民族 主體位置 游移 認同 論述


Our research has confirmed Benedict Anderson's recent judgement that to understand contemporary nationalism in Taiwan, one should not overemphasize the significance of its colonial past under Japanese rule. But our reason for confirmation is not that Taiwanese colonial nationalism was unavailable for piracy”, as Anderson might say, hut that its language of national imagination was self-negating in rendering any powerful influence. This language of imagination can be considered as a system of coordinates: on the x axis, one can analyze the specificity of national claims in contrast to the universality of their justifications; the gap between them helps one determine whether a nationalist discourse was derived from the ideology of the colonial regime. On the y axis, one can study whether or not there existed both a homogeneous sense of time at the core of the discourse and a heterogeneous sense at the periphery in order to capture the uncertainty of nationalists' subject positions in the discourse. Finally at the origin, one can investigate how linguistic syntax gem (combination of sentences) interacts with paradigm (analogy) so as to produce an unstable subjectivity in the discourse. By means of this model, we have analyzed the nationalist discourses in the 1920s and concluded that the uncertainty of the subject positions on the y axis could hardly be detected from our sources, but that a narrator tended to assume different positions of being a Chinese, a Han, a Taiwanese, or a Japanese in his narration. It was this position-taking that paled the discursive influences of the colonial nationalism, both to its contemporaries and to us at the threshold of a new millenium.


nation subject position identity discourse


Anderson, B.(1991).Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism.London:Verso.
Anderson, B.(1996).Mapping the Nation.London:Verso.
Bhabha, Homi(1994).The Location of Culture.London:Routledge.
Chatterjee, P.(1986).Nationalist Thought and the Colonial World: A Derivative Discourse.Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press.
Chatterjee, P.(1996).Mapping the Nation.London:Verso.


鍾兆康(2001)。地方新都會性的重構與解構-- 原台灣教育會館增建案〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200100469
