  • 期刊


The Effect of a Parents' Involved Fat Intake Reduction Nutrition Education Program for 5th Graders




The purpose of this study was to access the impact of parents' involvement on the effect of the fat intake reduction nutrition education program for 5th graders. Fifth grader students (N=167) and their parents (N=108) from three elementary schools in Taipei city participated the study. The classroom education group (E group) was treated with student's classroom fat intake reduction education program which included eight 40-min sessions, one session per week. The parents involved group (P group) received both students' classroom education program and parents' education materials-4 newsletters and one seminar. The control group (C group) was not treated with any nutrition education program. The outcomes of the intervention was measured by questionnaires administered one week before (pre-test), a week after (post-test) and six weeks after (follow-up test) the intervention. The results indicated that: The children's fat intake reduction knowledge scores of both E and P group were significantly higher than C group, but only the children of P group scored significantly which in fat intake reduction nutrition attitude, behavior, and self-efficacy. The results indicated that parents' involved fat intake reduction education program were effective for 5th graders of different gender, academic achievement, BMI and family social economic status but not students of low degree of parents' involvement. Parents' fat intake reduction behavior of P group also scored significantly higher than C group. The results revealed that parents' involvement is essential for effective children's nutrition education program.


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