  • 期刊


A General Survey on the Values of" Kua-a-chheh" in Chun-Hui Shu Fang


旅法漢學家陳慶浩教授「春暉書房」藏書中,有一批早年購於臺灣之閩南語歌仔冊文獻。由於成功大學人文社會科學中心「閩南文化研究文獻的整理與研究」整合型研究總計畫,獲得陳慶浩教授的支持,讓我們得以著手整理春暉書房所藏閩南語歌仔冊。本文首先詳考目前所知海內外公私諸家有關歌仔冊文獻庋藏狀況,接著回顧從1970 年起歌仔冊的刊布情形,指出進入21 世紀以後,諸如中研院史語所傅斯年圖書館、國立臺灣文學館、臺灣大學圖書館、國家圖書館等藏有歌仔冊文獻之公家單位,以及黃天橫(1922-)等文獻專家,雖已陸續公開所藏歌仔冊材料,但相較之下,春暉書房所藏閩南語歌仔冊,仍不乏極具價值者。本文中我們表列並簡介春暉書房所藏閩南語歌仔冊數量、年代與出版者等概況,並從稀見版本與罕見孤本兩方面,分別論述其價值。我們認為,其稀見版本既有作為早期版本的獨特意義,又有釐清版本演變的重要價值,更有補足前人未見材料的積極貢獻。是故,未來不僅可以利用這批閩南語歌仔冊,從事各版本間傳承的歷時性比較研究,更可以根據這批歌仔冊與其他俗文學作品進行橫向比較研究,繫聯閩南歌仔冊與各省俗曲唱本間的關係。其罕見孤本之發現,除了補全歌仔冊文獻之空白,更令人驚喜的,例如我們根據《臺灣義賊新歌廖添丁》下集所載,推算梁松林可能誕生於1889年前後,對於有關歌仔冊編著者的研究方面而言,無疑是極具參考價值的發現。總的來說,春暉書房所藏閩南語歌仔冊總數雖然有限,但其價值絕不亞於海內外任何一處歌仔冊公私庋藏。本文僅介紹春暉書房所藏閩南語歌仔冊概況,並就未來能從哪些面向開發若干研究課題,提出一點想法,期盼日後我們還能繼續探究出春暉書房所藏閩南語歌仔冊更高的價值來。


In the first section of this paper, an investigation regarding collections of Kua-a-chheh (Taiwanese ballads) in Taiwan and from overseas is presented, followed by analysis of the Kua-a-chheh edition and publication after 1970. Our investigation indicates that Kua-a-chheh collection has been gradually revealed by the Fu Ssu-Nien Library, National Museum of Taiwan Literature, National Taiwan University Library, National Central Library and other government agencies, including private book-collector Huang Tian-Heng; however, the collections from Chun-Hui Shu Fan remain highly valuable. We systematically list our investigation according to the total Kua-a-chheh books collected by Chun-Hui Shu Fang, with special note to the publication year and publisher information. Next, the authors discuss and analyze the value of these rarely seen copies. From our investigation, we believe that the rarely seen copies which served as an earlier version of Kua-a-chheh, have significantly contributed to a unique evolution and transformation, which provides useful information that has not been discovered previously. In the future, our discovery could be utilized for further investigation, serve as comparison for other Folk literary works, and hence reconnect the relationship among these folk songs. In addition, the discovery of rarely seen copies has filled in the gap we had regarding Kua-a-chheh, and provided us the new findings regarding the editor and authors of Kua-a-chheh. In conclusion, although there were limited copies of Kua-a-chheh collected by Chun-Hui Shu Fang, its collection may be more valuable than any of the Kua-a-chheh collections available. This article introduces these collections from Chun-Hui Shu Fang, and provides some thoughts and directions regarding additional study. We hoped to further analyze and discover the great value of Kua-a-chheh from Chun-Hui Shu Fang in the near future.


