  • 期刊


Microbial Succession in Different Rotation Cropping Systems Ⅰ. Fluctuations of VA Mycorrhizal Fungi and Phosphate-Dissolving Microbes


本微生物相調查研究係在農業試驗所內的六十八號試驗田進行。在1993年一月至1994年十二月的調查期間,每年各有兩個休耕期,一在七月至八月間,另一在一月至四月間。在這兩個休耕期中,全年的內生菌根菌產孢量,以一月至四月間的休耕期最高,顯示休耕期的田間雜草可能扮演著重要角色。有關內生菌根菌的產孢量比較,以玉米連作田的每百克土含孢量最低(4-8孢子/100克土),其可能原因與土壤中有效磷含量有關。1994年的產孢量較1993年同期的產量為少。整理1993年資料發現內生菌根菌孢子產量與溶磷菌族群數有互為消長的現象。這種現象,在三月至七月的第一期作生長期間最明顯。在三月初期,內生菌根菌孢子數最多而溶磷菌數相對減少。反之,在七月時溶磷菌逐漸增多而內生菌根菌孢子減少。在九月至十一月期間種植二期作時,在水稻連作區與玉米連作區,卻發現溶磷菌數與內生菌根菌,亦有類似消長的現象。但在一期水稻二期玉米的輪作區,與一期玉米二期水稻的輪作區,則有不同的族群變化。在一期水稻二期玉米的輪作區內,二期作的溶磷菌數與內生菌根菌數皆有增加的趨勢。而在一期玉米二期水稻的輪作區內,溶磷菌數與內生菌根菌則有相對減少的現象。整理1994年的資料顯示內生菌根菌孢子產量與溶磷菌族群數雖有互為消長的現象,但卻有不同的變化。此外內生菌根菌的種類與前一年的結果相較,並沒有明顯的差異,可見Glomus mosseae與水稻有密切相關的依存度;而在輪作區與玉米連作區內則Glomus geosporum, Glomus manihotis, Acaulonora elegans有明顯的相關性。


Betweent 1993 and 1994, four different cropping systems, namely rice continuous, rice-corn rotation, corn-rice rotation, and corn continous cropping systems, were selected for the study of microbial succession. There were two fallow periods in these farming systems i. e. July-August and December-April. The vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (VAMF) spore production was maximal in the second fallow period. Weeds in the fallow field may play an important role in the spore production. Among the four cropping systems, corn continuous cropping system produced least spores and this was attributed to the high level of available phosphate in the soil. Totally, the production of VAMF spore in 1994 is less than in 1993. In 1993, the populational growth of VAMF was negatively correlated with that of phosphate-dissolving microorganisms (PD). This phenomenon was obvious in the first crop from March to July. In the second crop, negative correlation was also observed in the rice and corn continuous cropping systems. However, the other two systems showed another type of succession. In 1994, the population of VAMF and PD showed different patterns of fluctuations if compared with that of 1993. The VAMF species was selected by the crops growing in different corpping systems. Glomus mosseae was highly correlated with the planting of rice. In the rotation or corn continuous cropping systems, Glomus geosporum, G. manihots andAcaulospora elegans were dominant species.


