

利用營養系之選拔方法,發現源自南投之山藥地方品系70W04之農藝性狀及產量表現,比本省現有山藥臺農1號及其他大多數山藥品系為佳,且品質優良,其他特性亦符合本省山藥之育種目標,值得選定為優良的育種材料。經進行深入品種(系)觀察試驗、比較試驗及區域試驗,確定新品系具備高產及質優特性,爰提請登記命名,俾利推廣農民種植及消費者利用。70W04之申請命名登記已於1996年4月1日完成,正式登記為山藥臺農2號。 山藥臺農2號能適應全省850m以下之生長環境,在平地之產量甚高且穩定,在較高海拔及強風等不利地區之表現亦較對照品種為佳。新品種在塊莖重量、田間採收率及塊莖產量之穩定性表現,皆較臺農1號為優,顯示臺農2號為兼具高產、質優且穩定性甚佳之新品種,值得推介農民採用。 由四次區域試驗之結果可知,臺農2號之平均公頃產量為26.85t/ha,最高產量可達44.88t/ha,其產量較其他對照品系為高,高於臺東地方品系(70W03)約64%、埔里品系(70R01)約104%及臺農1號約8%。在一般營業品質、加工特性以及耐病方面,臺農2號之表現皆相當優異。 臺農2號塊莖除供鮮食用及加工用外,尚可供保健與藥用,用途甚廣。由於臺農2號具有多項優良特性,預期可獲農民接受,在本省各地將可取代部分現有栽培品種如臺農一號及基隆山藥的種植面積。


山藥 育種 產量 品質 穩定性


The new yam variety, Tainung No. 2, was originated from Nantou, Taiwan, and was introduced to TARI in 1981. After a series of selection and adaptive comparations including acclimatization, observation, and preliminary, advanced, and regional yield trials, Tainung No. 2 was proved and recommended to be a better yam variety than Tainung No. 1 and other native and introduced yam limes. It has been released for commercial production in 1996. Experimental results from the four regional yield trials showed that Tainung No. 2 had a wide adaptability and high and stable yield potential. It could be planted from lowland to upland with about 850m altitude and even at some unsuitable regions like windy Hentsun area. The mean tuber yield of Tainung No. 2 was 26.58t/ha and could reach 44.88t/ha at some lowland regions. This mean tuber yield was 64%, 104%, and 8% higher than the yield of Taitung local line (70W03), Puli local line (70R01), and Tainung No. 1, respectively. Tainung No. 2 possessed a lot of superior characteristics such as high nutrition value in the flesh, high viscosity, and more resistant against anthracnose etc. Therefore, Tainung No. 2 was expected to be accepted by the farmer and could replace part roles of Tainung No. 1, and Dioscorea pseudojaponica, both were the two popular yam varieties currently cultivated in Taiwan. Based on the high quality of Tainung No. 2, it is recommended for table use, processing use, and medicinal purposes.


