  • 期刊


Deep Exploration of the Aftermath of Shen-zhu (Sacrifice Gigantic Pig): And Examination of the Aboriginals' "Emulating Killing Pigs as Teaching," Considering Its Beginning and the Subsequence of this Event, the Focus of the Issue, and the Crux of the Problem


本文針對二○○三年暑假期間所發生的原住民部落大學「殺豬教學觀摩」,以及客族義民節的「總統神豬祭」,回顧事件始末,並一一作後續的「詮釋分析」(interpretative analysis),依「佛教倫理學」的思考方式,探索各種糾結的觀點,背後所隱藏的價值觀;並就筆者能力之所及,探索事件背後的政治意圖與權力操作,及其在台灣社會所產生的實質影響。整個事件的發展,不外乎是政治利益、面子問題與觀念衝突這三個面向的糾結交錯。觀念衝突,諸如「尊重生命」與「尊重多元」、「本土文化」與「普世價值」、「爾愛其羊」與「我愛其禮」、「人權」與「主權」之細膩論證,原本是一個檢視護生價值與傳統文化價值,並尋求對話與溝通的良機。然而受到政治利益與面子問題的非理性因素干擾,論者往往就會落入情緒,施以種種人身攻擊,卒至形成貼標籤、扣帽子的政治惡鬥,形成兩派媒體與文人隔空相罵的效應。關鍵在於「非友即敵,非綠即藍」的兩極化思維,已成為台灣政壇的常態。政治力量即時介入、操盤,意圖收割利益,於是將它刻意導向族群情結。而族群激憤的情緒,多半也來自面子問題。學者之中也有人認為,這種對立未嘗不是刺激改革的動力。無論如何,民間有人自發地用水果裝扮的豬公取代神豬,代表著自發性的改革力量還是存在。


This article traces to the beginning and subsequence of the event happened in the summer of 2003, ”Learning and Emulating Killing Shen-zhu” held by Aboriginal Tribal University and ”Killing Shen-zhu” in Hakkha Yi-min Festival. This article is analyzed in Buddhist Ethics thinking perspective, exploring any possible interwoven viewpoints, and hidden values and political intent and power operation behind the event and its actual impact on the society of Taiwan. The development of the whole event is interwoven with the political interests, the reputation, and the conflict of viewpoints. Conflict of viewpoints, such as respect for life, respect for pluralism, local culture, the common value, you desire your sheep and I desire my rites, minute discourse of the human rights and sovereignty, is a good chance to examine the value of protecting life, the value of the traditional culture, and to seek for conversation and communication.While interfered with the irrational factors such as political interests and the problems of reputation, critics usually state in an emotional, personal attack, and finally put a label on others in a hard political fight and cause of dichotomy, ”If you are not my friend, you are my enemy; if you are not a political party in office, you are an opposition party” while this logic is becoming the pattern of Taiwan political groups. The political power intervenes in time, and handles it, intending to gain profit, so the political power directs it to race issue. But the excited emotion of race mostly comes from the face problem. Some of the scholars think this opposition is also the power to stimulate revolution. However, people voluntarily use fruits to substitute for the real sacrifice gigantic pig, representing the voluntarily revolutionary force still exists.




