  • 期刊


An Application of Composite Utility Evaluation Model for Irrigation Project


台灣傳統以農立國,農業發展以生產為目的,而灌區之水利設施早期偏重多為設計安全、材料堅固、經濟實惠的工程設施,缺乏生活與生態功能之考量,為促進台灣生態平衡與生活改善,農業工程需滿足『三生』的目標,從生產、生活及生態面作為評估指標,在生產面上,藉由益本分析對經濟效益進行評估;生活面與生態面上,以條件評估法對於工程之環境效益進行評估。 本研究以彰化農田水利會福馬圳取水設施改善工程為一評估實例,採用假設性市場評估法,此方法是透過問卷設計,建立一類似市場交易的假設性市場,誘引出民眾對環境財品質的改善所願意支付的金額,然後利用這些資料透過計量模型分析,估算出居住民眾對農田水利設施生活改善功能所願意支付金額,間接推估農田水利設施之生活效益作為此模式生活面之指標;在經濟效益方面以考量工程之益本比作為評估指標,結合這些指標作為農田水利設施綜合效益指標,以此綜合性指標作為政府從事預算分配時之參考,此模式之建立並可促進政府預算合理分配及提供農田水利工程執行先後順序之建議。


Taiwan society has gradually reformed from a traditional agricultural society to a high tech industry. Traditionally, the main goal of agriculture was to produce more food. That goal has gradually shifted into maintaining the ecological environment. The irrigation and water conservation project not only irrigats crops, but also promotes the Taiwan ecological equilibrium and improves the quality of life. Agricultural engineering must take into consideration the “Three Lives” criteria : agricultural production, quality of life improvement, and ecological equilibrium. The production aspect is estimated by using Cost-Benefit analysis, which evaluates the economic efficiency, while the ecological and quality of life aspects are appraised using the Valuation Condition Method (VCM). The Fu-Ma hydraulic canal of changhua irrigation association is used as a case study for evaluation the “Three Lives” criteria. A field habitant investigation is performed to gather pusedo-market price information of the investing project. The results of field investigation, which inspires habitants to express their willingness to pay (WTP) for the quality of environment, are obtained the cost-effect ratio is used for evaluating the economic effectiveness of the investing project. A composite utility index model are constructed and used for project evaluation. Our results demonstrate that the model can be used to promote the effectiveness of the government relocation of its investment, and the national resource can then be allocated more effectively and our eco-environment is prevented from further deterioration.


