  • 期刊

A Framework for Performance-Driven Web-Based Manufacturing



生産績效測定系統(performance measurement system; PMS)在持續改善(continuous improvement)的風潮下越形重要。然後,PMS在製造系統中通常只能被動的用以檢視過往的決策是否達到預期成效,而使其輔助決策的效應受到限制。在綱路化的製造環境中,資料能被及時的擷取並做跨平台的傳輸,使得PMS能提供較過往更爲清晰的資訊。因此,PMS製造系統中的角色應該重新界定。本研究提出一種以績效爲導向之綱路化製造系統架構,藉由績效指標之測定與分析提供各指標之記錄、現況、相關性,以及預估值作爲系統中階層之決策依據,使其決策能達成生産績效的改善,進而提升整體競爭力。


The importance of continuous improvement has brought performance measurement system (PMS) into attention. Although widely discussed, PMS often plays a passive role in verifying the effectiveness of critical decisions associated with a manufacturing system. The web-based manufacturing environment provides real-time data collection and cross-platform communication, which enhances the ability of a PMS in data collection, storage, and manipulation. Consequently, the role of PMS should be reevaluated to better assess its impact on the operations of manufacturing systems. This paper proposes a performance-driven web-based manufacturing framework, where performance analysis actively leads the process of making decisions related to manufacturing systems. In this framework, historical data, current state, correlation between measures, and performance predictions constitute the decision support information set. Decisions are made to retain or improve the performance level of all business tasks. Thus continuous improvement is pursued persistently on every action to ensure a company’s continuing competitiveness in the marketplace.


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