  • 期刊


Maneuver Result Criticism of Debris Flow Evacuation and Taking Refuge in Chuzu Village at Pintung County


近年來由於政府與社會大眾對土石流防災工作的重視,除了投入大量經費進行災害整治工程外,災害預警、疏散避難與防災應變工作逐漸成爲其中之重要課題。土石流疏散避難工作係依據土石流可能成災狀況估算其影響範圍,先行擬定避難路線、避難區域、災害救助方法,並透過地方基層組織,建立互助救援機制,訂定疏散演練指導原則,並舉辦雙向溝通座談會,提昇地區民眾對災害發生時之防災與應變相關知識,降低災害發生時的影響程度。 屏東縣春日鄉爲屏東縣境內第一次辦理相關演練的單位,整個籌劃到執行經過召開三次協調會及四次預演,動員人力近二百人,演習結果深受各界肯定,亦確實達到地區性之防災教育與宣導目的。惟演練過程仍可發現民眾危機意識不足、地方基層組織動員不易以及機關間協調支援層級過於複雜且機動性不足等情形,值得作爲未來改進之參考。


土石流 疏散避難 演練 防災


Recently, our government and society start to attach importance to debris flow prevention. Except the annual money invested for control works construction, the disaster forecast and evacuation and taking refuge were become more important project. Debris flow evacuation and taking refuge consisted of disaster influence zoon evaluation and evacuation rout planning and refuge selection and disaster rescuer system planning etc., government and basic level popular organize combine to set up rescuer system and regular schedule maneuver carry out and disaster prevention concept propagation will let disaster influence decrease. Chuzu village government was first attend to carry out the debris flow disaster maneuver at Pingtung county. The three times meeting for maneuver coordinate and four times rehearsal maneuver, and about two hundred people mobilization in the same time let maneuver successful. But there are some problems still need improvement such as locally people generally lack crisis and locally basic level popular organize combine are so complicated and become rigid.


