  • 期刊


The Releasing Stress Effect of Lavender and Sweet Orange Essential Oil on Human Body


本研究主要探討薰衣草精油與甜柑橘精油搭配瑞典式按摩對於紓解壓力之成效。針對薰衣草與甜柑橘精油作用在人體上,探討其對人體之放鬆成效,並觀察複方精油是否具有協同作用。本研究對象為嘉南藥理科技大學學生,並以收縮壓、舒張壓、心跳速率、體表溫度及壓力指數為紓壓指標。實驗前先利用生理監測儀測量受測者的生理參數,如收縮壓、舒張壓、心跳速率及體表溫度,並利用心率變異(heart rate variety, HRV)分析儀測量受測者的壓力指數及心率變異參數,如總功率、低頻功率、高頻功率,常規化低頻功率、常規化高頻功率及低/高頻功率比。實驗分別以10%薰衣草精油、10%甜柑橘精油及複方精油5%薰衣草精油加5%甜柑橘精油搭配瑞典式按摩,並以靜躺為控制組,經過50分鐘後的瑞典式按摩後,再測量壓力指數、生理參數及心率變異參數。本研究實驗數據以單因子變異數分析(one way analysis of variance, one way ANOVA)比較10%薰衣草精油、10%甜柑橘精油及5%薰衣草精油加5%甜柑橘精油實驗前後生理參數及心率變異參數與控制組之差異。另外,以t-test比較複方精油5%薰衣草精油加5%甜柑橘精油和10%薰衣草精油或10%甜柑橘精油,實驗前後生理參數及心率變異參數之差異,以了解複方精油是否有協同效果。經實驗結果顯示,無論單方精油或複方精油與控制組比較後,其對生理參數,如收縮壓、舒張壓、心跳速率、體表溫度及壓力指數與心率變異參數,如總功率、低頻功率、高頻功率、常規化低頻功率、常規化高頻功率及低/高頻功率比皆有顯著的差異;而複方精油和單方精油比較,在收縮壓及壓力指數上有顯著差異,代表複方精油在收縮壓及壓力指數具有協同作用。本研究是首度證實薰衣草精油及甜柑橘精油搭配瑞典式按摩,可能是透過降低交感神經活性及提高副交感神經的活性,而來減少受測者之壓力指數、收縮壓、舒張壓、心跳速率,而達到放鬆紓壓的效果。


The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of Lavender and Sweet Orange essential oil on releasing stress by using Swedish massage. Furthermore, to observe if the blended essential oil has synergistic effect. The research objects were Chia Nan University of Pharmacy & Science students and used systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, and pressure index (PSI) as pressure indicators. Before the experiment, we used physiological monitor to measure the subject's physiological parameters such as systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature and used heart rate variety (HRV) analyzer to measure the subject's pressure index and HRV parameters, such as total power, low frequency power, high-frequency power, normalized low-frequency power, normalized high-frequency power and low/high-frequency power ratio. The objects are divided into control group and experimental groups of Lavender essential oil (10%),Sweet Orange essential oil (10%) and the blended essential oil(5% Lavender plus 5% Sweet Orange essential oil) collocating Swedish massage. After massaging for 50 minutes, we measured the objects' physiological parameters and HRV parameters again. One way analysis of variance (one way ANOVA) was used to compare the differences of physiological parameters and HRV parameters between pretest and posttest in the groups of 10% Lavender essential oil, 10% Sweet Orange essential oil, 5% Lavender essential oil plus 5% Sweet Orange essential oil and the control group. In addition, t-test is used to compare 5% Lavender essential oil plus 5% Sweet Orange essential oil with 10% Lavender essential oil or 10% Sweet Orange essential oil. Thus, the differences of physiological parameters and heart rate variability parameters between pretest and posttest can be observed if the blended essential oil has synergistic effect. The experimental results showed that no matter using single essential oil or blended essential oil to compare with control group, there are obvious differences in physiological parameters such as systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, skin temperature, PSI, and HRV parameters such as total power, low-frequency power, high-frequency power, normalized low-frequency power, normalized high-frequency power and low/high frequency power ratio; however, comparing the blended essential oil with single essential oil, there is a good synergistic effect in systolic blood pressure and PSI. This study is the first confirmed that Swedish massage with Lavender and Sweet Orange essential oil may act through decreasing sympathetic activity and increasing parasympathetic activity to reduce the objects' PSI, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, heart rate and increase skin temperature. For this reason, it can cause a relief of depression on humans.




