  • 期刊


The Review and Prediction of Overseas Chinese Education


中國大陸於1987年成立了「對外漢語教學領導小組」,由教育部長擔任組長,該機構簡稱「漢辦」。近期以還,此一機構正推行一項華文教育推廣計畫,到現在為止,已在全球94個國家建置316所孔子學院及337所孔子學堂。海外孔子學院教師有兩千多人,其中大陸派遣的有一千多人。 所謂孔子學院,是類似西班牙塞萬提斯學院、德國歌德學院、法國法語聯盟、英國英國文化委員會之類的機構。乃是運用國家力量,面向世界推廣該國語言文字教育和文化交流的組織,而各國均已選用具有該國文化教育象徵意義的人物做為名稱,包括歌德、塞萬提斯、孔子等來做招牌。 此種機構可稱之為對大陸外漢語教學單位。孔子學院總部設在北京,境外的孔子學院則為其分支機構,採用中外合作的形式開辦。硬體(如教室、教學設備)由所在地國家負責,大陸則提供華語教學教材、派遣部分華語教師及志工,協助培訓當地華語教師。目前已與許多國家機構簽定協議陸續開辦。 全球華文教學市場,本來是以台灣為主,教材、教法、教師、教學內容均由台北主導。不論對華僑、華人移民社會或世界各個國家,台灣在中華文化上的解釋權,以及對中華文化的保存與發揚之地位及貢獻,都是社會公認的。八十年代中葉以後,大陸移民漸多,海外才逐漸有教簡體字和華語拼音的華文小學。可是二十年以還,彼長我消,大陸藉華文教育推展國際文化交流,爭取認同越來越積極,成效也越來越大,台灣則是日漸萎縮,市場逐步消失。 事實上,華文教育於全球正方興未艾形成世界各地的新興潮流。在泰國,政府決定在中小學開設華文課;在韓國,華文已逐漸取代英語成為韓國學習人數最多的外語;在美國,教育部門定下要在10年內至少有50%的高中生學習華文的目標。目前,全球共有85個國家的2300餘所高等院校開設華文課程,而正在學習華文的外國人人數更達3000萬人之多。因此,華文教育熱潮正席捲全球,更由於大陸政府推動海外華文教育不遺餘力,故而其影響逐漸加大且日益增強,此種現象值得關注。 本文擬就華文教育發展趨勢以及海峽兩岸對華文教育的投入予以深入的研究,並試圖提出對策,本文除序論及結論外,共分為:二、全球華文教育的發展趨勢;三、大陸海外華文教育的發展;四、台灣海外華文教育的過程;五、海外華文教育問題的重點等四大部分加以探討。本文在結論中提出三點建議,期盼海峽兩岸政府都能以寬闊的心胸接納新興中華文化的融合,共同宣揚並推動全球華文教育。


華文教育 孔子學院 漢辦


China has established ”A leading team of overseas Chinese education” in 1987, and this team has promoted and assisted other countries to built 316 Confucius Colleges and 337 Confucius Classes in 94 countries in the world. There are more than 2000 teachers in these colleges and classes, and more than a thousand teachers were sent from China. ”Confucius College” is an organization which is supported by government to promote national culture, language, characters and education. The headquarter is located in Beijing, the capital of China. Many countries used the most meaningful person's name to be the brand of this kind of organizations. Generally speaking, the organization is responsible for Chinese teaching materials, volunteers, teachers and teacher's training programs. The local country will be responsible for the hardware such as classrooms and equipments. This trade also shows that China did a good job in advertising learning Chinese. The market of teaching Chinese was led by Taiwan. However, in these 20 years, China strove the identifications actively by practicing international cultural exchange. Therefore, Taiwan's leading position is retreating. In fact, Chinese learning is becoming a new trend in the world. In Thailand, the government decided to add ”Chinese” lesson in the middle and elementary school. In Korea, Chinese is replacing English to be a second learning language in the country. In America, the education department announced there will be at least 50% high school students to learn Chinese in next 10 years. Up to now, there are more than 2300 high schools in 85 countries have Chinese lesson, and more than 300 million people are learning Chinese. This phenomenon needs to be observed and concerned. The research method of this article is literature review and analysis. The research could be separated into six parts as follows: introduction, the trend of Chinese education development, the development of China's overseas Chinese education, the development of Taiwan's overseas Chinese education, Overseas Chinese education. Three important recommendations was mentioned in conclusion that we expect Taiwan and China could accept new trend of Chinese culture blending and cooperate on promoting global Chinese education.


Chinese education Confucius College




許奭丞(2015)。華語實習教師實習歷程研究 -以韓國僑校為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/CYCU.2015.00205
