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Entrepreneur's Subjective Interpretation and Market Coordination


企業家在競爭過程中行動的相互協調,是奧地利學派經濟學的重要議題。本文說明兩位奧地利學派經濟學者舒茲(A. Schutz)與海耶克(F. A. Hayek)的協調理論在企業家行為上的運用。首先,本文闡述舒茲基於現象學的協調理論。由人的心理投射概念出發,因互為主體性,企業家的主觀詮釋在市場中得以相互協調。當新的事件發生、市場發生變化,企業家對外在世界的解釋架構受到挑戰,他將以其未來的理想去籌畫行動,並形成新的知識。透過形塑的過程(a process of typification),企業家累積新的知識,用來解決企業運作的新課題。所有企業家所共同分享的、整體經濟社會中的知識存量(或經濟制度)就成為經濟社會的協調機制。其次,說明海耶克基於認知心理學所建立的協調理論。在認知的過程中,企業家可以界定並歸納來自外在世界的事件。如果一事件以及後續的回應反覆出現,會在企業家的心理烙下固定的模式,並形成重要的決策準則,以解決複雜的難題。基於認知的模式,一個外在事件會構成認知過程的新的推動力。當所建構的心靈地圖未能對當前的環境提供足夠的解釋時,企業家就處於經驗衝突的狀態。這使得企業家必須重新歸納內在心智與外在事件之間的連繫,慢慢重新建立起新的行事準則。就海耶克的觀點,制度或「行為準則」是共同的行為體系,用來簡化這個世界的複雜度,讓市場的運作具有某種程度的可預測性,也幫助企業家解決企業互動中的協調問題。本文的結論是,舒茲與海耶克對企業家的主觀詮釋以及彼此間的相互協調的深刻洞察,具有驚人的一致性與相容性。兩位主觀學派學者的貢獻可以結合起來,用以理解錯綜複雜的市場現象與管理問題。


The coordination of human actions in the social world remains a central issue in Austrian economics. This paper explains the actor's subjective interpretation and coordination in two subjectivist traditions: namely, Schutz's phenomenology and Hayek's cognitive psychology. This paper starts with a formulation of Schutz's notion of mental projection. It then argues that intersubjectivity allows actors' subjective interpretations to be coordinated in the social world. When the agent's interpretative framework is disrupted by a novel stimulus, the agent will project action in the future perfect tense and form knowledge surrogate. Through a process of typification, a new stock of knowledge is established which enables the actor to solve new problems in everyday life. The society's stock of knowledge (or human institutions) which actors share serves as a social coordinator. In terms of Hayek’s cognitive psychology, during the perception process, the human mind can identify and classify events coming from the outside world. If the event and sequent stimulus are repeated, a pattern will begin to register in the mind and become a rule of thumb which facilitates decision-making in complex situations. Given a cognitive pattern, a novel event from outside will create new impulses to the perception process. When the established linkages of the mental map fail to give an adequate account of the current environment, the agent is then in a state of conflicting experience. The result is a gradual reclassification of the linkages and new rules are re-established. In Hayek's view, institutions or ‘rules of doing things' are common schemes of behaviour, which simplify the complexity of the world and enable us to operate with a certain degree of predictability. They help to solve coordination problems during social interaction. This paper concludes that Schutzian and Hayekian perspectives on actors' subjective interpretation and coordination are strikingly compatible and consistent. The two subjectivist contributions can be synthesised into fruitful tools to understand social phenomena.


