  • 期刊


The Development of Consumption of Cow'sMilk in Taiwan during the Period of the Japanese Occupation and its Cultural Significance




牛乳 乳牛 牧場 現代化 飲食習慣


The drinking of cow’s milk in Taiwan on a daily basis is not a habit with a long history. Looking back at the development of this custom in Taiwan, we find that the date of its first appearance took place after Westerners arrived in Taiwan and imported their dietary habits. Still, the habit of drinking cow’s milk in Taiwan was only really consolidated during the period of Japanese rule. During this period, drinking cow’s milk and eating other dairy products was promoted in association with the ideas of ‘a rich nation and strong soldiers’ and ‘modernisation’. Even though the total capital and the scale of dairy businesses were relatively small during this period, the number of modern dairy businesses steadily increased after the 1920s. Major improvements were undertaken in milk quality and sanitization, in productive procedures and equipment, and in marketing and promotion. In addition, the government assisted by importing new cattle, carrying out breeding programs to produce better varieties of milk cows, strengthening quality inspections, conducting on-site inspections of dairy farms, and working to prevent outbreaks of disease in dairy herds. As a result, a new life style gradually emerged in colonial Taiwan. The consumption of milk increased and the fashion of milk drinking became widespread. Temples were set up for the cow soul, and rituals conducted to make offerings to them and celebrate milk production. There are also place names in Taiwan that survive to this day, where places were named after milk factories in the locality. This period laid the foundation for dairy product consumption in the contemporary period. Thus order to understand contemporary diary consumption in Taiwan, one needs to go back and look at this earlier period. When one does this, the currently observable habits and patterns and the reasons for the introduction of dairy products become clear.


milk cow pasture modernization drinking habit


不著撰人,〈管束賣牛乳者〉,《臺灣日日新報》1907.2.28,2 版。
不著撰人,〈試驗牛乳〉,《臺灣日日新報》1907.3.10,5 版。
不著撰人,〈牛乳之約束及組合〉,《臺灣日日新報》1907.3.31,5 版。


林立婷(2015)。從人奶到奶粉:臺灣哺育習慣變遷原因之考察 (1895-1989)〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2015.02490
