  • 期刊


The Impact of International Trade on Relative Wages: Evidence from Trade Liberalization in Mainland China


一九八○年代中期拉丁美洲各國採行貿易自由化政策,結果該地區的工資不均度普遍出現惡化的現象,與傳統貿易理論預期不符,也與亞洲四小龍的貿易開放歷程大相逕庭。Adrian Wood認為,主要原因之一在於中國大陸於一九七○年代末實施貿易自由化政策,出口大量低技術勞力密集產品進入國際市場,導致國際間低技術密集財的相對價格下降,以致對各國低技術勞工的相對報酬造成不利影響。為了探討此一論點,本研究應用一多國多部門之可計算一般均衡模型,模擬分析中國大陸貿易自由化對世界各國工資不均度之影響。本文發現,中國大陸實施貿易自由化,對世界大多數國家(包括拉丁美洲主要國家)工資不均度不但沒有產生負面影響,甚至帶來正面效果。主要原因在於中國大陸貿易自由化後出口雖然大幅增加,但因經濟快速成長,進口大幅上升,對世界其他國家創造了一個龐大的出口市場。


Many countries in Latin America have adopted a free trade policies since the mid 1980s and witnessed the decline in the relative wage of unskilled labor during the same period. This phenomenon is not only inconsistent with traditional trade theory, but also in sharp contrast with the experience of four newly industrializing countries in Asia. A. Wood argued that one of the most important reasons for explaining this phenomenon was the emergence of China in the international market after implementing a free trade policy in the late 1970s, Increased export of unskilled labor intensive products depressed the relative price of unskilled labor intensive products and caused negatively impacted the relative wage of the unskilled labor. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate this hypothesis by employing a computable general equilibrium model to examine the impact of China's trade policy on relative wages around the world. The empirical results of this paper indicate that the relative wage of the unskilled labor in many countries, including most of the Latin American countries, has not been negatively affected by China's free trade policy. On the contrary, because China's free trade policy enhanced economic development, it created a huge export market for other countries, despite the increase in China's own exports. Therefore, the relative wage of unskilled labor in many countries has improved.


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