  • 期刊


日韓近代化過程的比較與語言的功能:從既有的研究學習|Comparison of Modernization and Language Roles of Japan and South Korea: Based on the Previous Research




近代化 経済発展 言語 教育 日韓関係


本文為奠基於目前既有關於日本與韓國近代化研究實績的基礎上,進行相關比較.檢討。一個是與歐美比肩、共同帶動全球經濟發展的日本,另一個則是歷經外國勢力侵略與殖民統治,曾是看似連一點光復的可能性都不存在的國家,如今成為東北亞先進國家之一的韓國,這兩個國家究竟實現了什麼樣的經濟發展,而在達到現在的程度之前又歷經了多少試錯過程?回答這些疑問點的第一步,應該是先了解日韓在推動近代化的過程與因應態度,接著理解那段過程帶來的影響。此外,在推動近代化的過程中,語言與教育的角色特別受到關注。一個國家在維持運作、發展的過程中,語言與教育擔負的功能相當重要。全球近代化的進程是由西歐推動,其他國家也將之視為範本並追求發展。這種情況也同樣出現在語言.教育層面。因此,從日韓發展近代性語言.教育的側面觀察,考察其特殊性,可推測出,日本事實上在初期階段,便清楚掌握建構近代化社會的根本。|This article compares and examines modernization of Japan and Korea based on existing research achievements on modernization of these two countries. What kind of trial and error have the two countries achieved and experienced in the past, with Japan, in leading the world economy along with the West, and with Korea, in becoming one of Northeast Asia' s most developed countries? The first step in answering this question is to understand the process, response, and impact of modernization between Japan and South Korea. We also pay particular attention to the role of language and education in the modernization process. Language and education play an enormous role in maintaining and developing a nation. Modernization was preceded by Western Europe, in which both Japan and South Korea used as a model in pursuing modernization. Such figures are the same in terms of language and education. Therefore, by examining the peculiarities of modern language and education between Japan and South Korea, I think we can grasp the fundamentals of the early modern society that Japan established.
