  • 期刊


《中日空運臨時協定》延議協商之背景-航空公司的「實質所有與實效控制」原則之影響-|Background Factors of the Preliminary Negotiation Between Japan and the Republic of China Regarding the Air Service: Focusing on Ownership and the Control of Airlines




本文聚焦於《中日空運臨時協定》(1955年),以考察中華民國與日本之間在開始協商空運協定所出現的歷史背景。由於1945年日本戰敗,導致在航空產業的營運受到限制,也無法與各國簽署空運協定。於是,當日本在1952年恢復主權之後,促使與各國洽簽空運協定。在中華民國與日本談判時,中方最初基於互惠原則,對於空運協定採取積極態度。之後由於中方改變協商方針,雙方比原先預定時程花了更多時間才完成簽署。一般而言,在開闢國際航空路線之際,各國都需要遵守國際規範,然而中華民國政府所指定營運國際航空路線的企業,卻未能滿足國籍條款的要求。因此,中華民國政府當時所希望簽署的,並不是需要包含國際條款的空運協定,而是以換文方式簽署的協定。日本政府則以日籍航空公司可開闢日台之間航線為最優先目標,因而接受了中華民國政府的上述要求。|This paper analyzes background factors that affected the preliminary negotiation between Japan and the Republic of China (ROC) regarding the Air Service in 1955. Due to Japan's defeat in World War II, Japan's air industry was restricted in its operations and had no bilateral agreement with other countries regarding international civil air routes. Thus, Japan aimed to negotiate bilateral agreements to open international civil air routes after the restoration of its sovereignty in 1952. Before starting negotiations between Japan and ROC, the ROC government had shown a positive attitude toward the agreements of air services based on reciprocity. However, concluding the agreement required longer time than expected as the ROC changed their aviation policies prior to the negotiation. Generally, to operate international air services, each country needed to follow international rules. ROC's international airlines at that time failed to meet them due to lacking conditions regarding the "nationality clause". Therefore, the ROC asked Japan to settle a provisional arrangement based on an exchange of diplomatic notes without the air service agreement that required the "nationality clause." As a result, Japan agreed with ROC's proposal because its priority was to open its civil air routes for Taiwan.
