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A Feasibility Assessment on the Professionalization of Football in Taiwan




The purpose of this study is to conduct a feasibility assessment on the future professionalization of football in Taiwan, mainly by using an index method and semi-structured interviews. Seven experts were interviewed, from areas such as the core industry, support systems, and marketing systems. The interview results are analyzed and summarized into 4 major aspects with a total of 11 sub-elements: government input (with sub-elements including a development plan, legal policies, organization alliances, and site layout); association operation (event planning, talent cultivation, and team certification); enterprise participation (local operation and local connection); and marketing media (marketing mode and communication platform). This study concludes that the professionalization of football in Taiwan is feasible with respect to components of government input, association operation, enterprise participation, and marketing media. In addition, this study shows that football in Taiwan is in the preparation period of professional factors, which is the first phase of development. In the future, relevant works to improve the professionalization process must be gradually carried out.


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