  • 期刊


Low Extremity Joint Kinematics of Successive Roundhouse Kicking in Taekwondo


本研究目的是針對跆拳道連續旋踢進行運動學分析,探討跆拳道連續旋踢的動作特徵與連續踢擊動作間之差異。研究對象為國立體育大學七位男子跆拳道選手,探討大專甲組跆拳道選手連續五次旋踢攻擊腿最高速腳與最低速腳在下肢各關節運動學之差異。以Motion Analysis System動作分析系統擷取連續旋踢動作,拍攝頻率250 Hz,利用EVaRT 4.65版動作分析軟體,進行動作分析。以描述性統計分析連續五次旋踢中攻擊腿最高速腳與最低速腳出現位置,並以相依樣本t考驗分析連續五次旋踢攻擊腿最高速腳與最低速腳之下肢各關節運動學之差異,顯著水準訂為p<.05。最高速腳與最低速腳之比較結果為:一、最高速腳在動作時間顯著較長。二、最高速腳之髖關節、膝關節、踝關節位移顯著較大且髖關節速度峰值、膝關節速度峰值、踝關節速度峰值顯著較快。三、最高速腳膝關節加速度峰值顯著較小但踝關節加速度峰值顯著較大。四、最高速腳髖關節角位移顯著較小但膝關節角位移顯著較大。五、最高速腳膝關節角速度顯著較快。六、最高速腳膝關節屈最小膝角度顯著較低。本研究結論:一、連續五腳攻擊腿的最高速腳大多是以第一腳較高,且第一腳攻擊腿的距離長呈現較多的關節位移,髖關節角度變化上較小,以避免過多的大腿屈曲;膝關節屈膝愈小,在踢擊時會有愈大的角度變化,及較快的角速度,有助於攻擊效果的提升。二、近身連續踢擊的攻擊距離較短,在踢擊的過程中各關節的位移減少,髖關節角位移上屈曲的角度較大、膝關節彎曲變化較小,使攻擊腿縮短呈彎曲的狀態下踢擊目標。故建議在平時的訓練上應要注意攻擊距離及各個關節相互影響的情況,讓連續動作變得更加穩健與一致。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the kinematics characteristics and the difference between successive roundhouse kicks of taekwondo athletes. Seven collegiate male taekwondo athletes were recruited in this study to perform five successive roundhouse kicks, and compared the lower limb kinematics between highest and lowest kicking velocity. Motion Analysis System (250 Hz) was used to capture the movement of successive roundhouse kicks. Collected data was analyzed with EVaRT 4.65 software. The dependency sample t-test was performed to compare the position and the lower limb kinematics difference between highest and lowest velocity of successive roundhouse kicks. The significant level was set at .05. The results of this study were as follows: The highest speed kicking had: 1. significantly longer movement time; 2. Greater displacement and peak velocity at hip, knee and ankle joints; 3. Smaller peak acceleration at knee joint but greater at ankle joint; 4. Smaller angular displacement at hip joint but greater at knee joint; 5. Faster angular velocity at knee joint; and 6. smaller minimum knee joint flexion angle than the slowest speed kicking of successive kicks. It was concluded that: 1. First kick has longest attack distance and more joint displacement. The angular displacement of hip joint was smaller in order to avoid much flexion of thigh. Knee joint has smaller flexion angle during kicking beginning and has larger angular displacement, faster angular velocity for increase attack effect. 2. The distance of approach attack was shorter while joint displacement decreased during kicking. The angular displacement of hip flexion was larger but the angular displacement of knee flexion was smaller to hit the target with slightly bending knee. Therefore, it suggested that training on the attack distance and interact of each joint during training should be added in order to achieve the stable successive movement and consistent successive kicks.




