  • 期刊


Impact of Mindfulness Training on Fear of Failure and Athletic Performance for High School Basketball League Players


近年來,正念訓練已逐漸成為運動員採行的心理技能訓練工具,但正念訓練是否能夠截斷害怕失敗的反芻思考迴圈,以及對運動表現的直接影響性仍待驗證。因此,本研究目的在檢驗正念訓練對高中籃球聯賽選手害怕失敗與運動表現之影響情形。以準實驗研究設計,招募69位球員並隨機分派至實驗組及控制組,所有參與者需接受運動正念水準、害怕失敗與投籃運動表現的前後測量。實驗組實施運動正念冥想訓練(mindfulness meditation training for sport, MMTS)2.0版課程介入,而控制組則觀看籃球影片。之後剔除2位中途退出者的無效樣本,保留實驗組35人與控制組32人共67人(男生40人、女生27人)的有效樣本。實驗結果顯示:經12節課30分鐘的MMTS課程介入後,實驗組的正念水準顯著高於控制組,實驗組的害怕失敗也顯著低於控制組,但在投籃運動表現上則無顯著差異。本研究結論認為正念訓練可有效提升高中籃球選手的正念水準並降低害怕失敗的程度,但無法顯著提升投籃運動表現水準。MMTS 2.0版課程為一有效提升運動員正念水準與降低害怕失敗的心理技能訓練工具,其實施的短時性與團體教學形式特點適合作為學生心智訓練課程,在強化學生運動員心理素質上具有實務應用性。


In recent years, mindfulness training has gradually become a popular psychological skill training for athletes. However, whether this approach helps reduce fear of failure and improve sports performance remains unknown. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the impact of mindfulness training on fear of failure and athletic performance for High School Basketball League (HBL) players. In a quasi-experimental research design, we used a convenience sample of 69 players, randomly assigned to either an experimental group or a control group. All participants completed two self-report measures of mindfulness and fear of failure, as well as shooting performance before and after the interventions. The experimental group participated in Mindfulness Meditation Training for Sport (MMTS) 2.0 program for 30 minutes with 12 sessions, while the control group watched basketball videos. Although two participants dropped out from study, it remained valid sample of 67 (experimental group = 35; control group = 32). Results indicated that the mindfulness of the experimental group was higher than the control group, and the fear of failure was lower than the control group, but no difference in shooting performance. The MMTS version 2.0 program is a psychological skill training tool that effectively improves the level of mindfulness of athletes and reduces the fear of failure. Its short-term and group teaching form characteristics are suitable for students' mental training courses, and it has practical application in strengthening the psychological quality of student athletes.


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