  • 期刊

ISO 9000系列驗證與製造績效之關係:實證研究

The Relationship between ISO 9000 and Manufacturing Performance: A Survey



本研究針對已取得ISO 9000系列驗證之廠商,採問卷方式來瞭解推行ISO驗證後對公司製造績效之影響。廠商推行ISO 9000驗證後,對其製造績效的助益包括「品質」、「彈性及交期」、「成本」與「因應市場的產品彈性」四個構面。推行動機及推行過程對製造績效的相關性達統計顯著水準。透過內部溝通協調完善、良好的文件記錄、透過稽核以達完善推行管理、採用資訊電腦輔助管理等方式來推行ISO 9000、內在動機強而且取得驗證的時間愈長將導致較高的「品質」績效。以民間顧問公司為主來推行ISO 9000系列驗證之廠商所獲得的「品質」績效較少。公司的內部溝通協調完善將導致較高的「彈性及交期」績效。內在推行動機及推行ISO之前已具有其他品保制度的經驗有助於降低「成本」。


ISO 9000 製造績效 動機 推行過程


Drawing the results from a questionnaire conducted in Taiwan, this paper discusses the experiences of manufacturing industries in ISO 9000. The empirical results indicate that the pursuit for ISO helps Taiwanese manufacturing corporations gain benefits in quality improvement, more flexibility and on time delivery, cost reduction, and more product flexibility to meet market demand. The effects of motivation and implementing process on manufacturing performance are statistically significant. Internal communication and coordination, documentation, implementation through auditing, the use of management information system, internal incentives lead to quality improvement with the passage of time. Internal communication and coordination leads to more flexibility and on time delivery. Implementing ISO with internal incentive and previous quality activities experiences lead to cost reduction. These empirical results show that implementing ISO 9000 with TQM spirits of continuous improvement, company wide participation, and the use of scientific tools could result in significant manufacturing performance.


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