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Gender-based Differences in Play Content Observed for Children on a Creative Playground




This study aimed to explore gender-based differences in play content for children on a creative playground. Naturalistic observation was used to record the children's play behaviors. Twenty-eight children aged five- to six-years-old were selected from a representative kindergarten in southern Taiwan. The research results are as follows:1. Cognitive play: Boys often enacted dramatic play themes concerning war and adventure, whereas girls engaged more with themes of Sailor Moon, a popular superhero TV show with female lead characters, and family. Moreover, boys made larger and more complex three-dimensional construction models than girls did. In addition, boys enjoyed chasing games, in which girls would sometimes participate, and rough-and-tumble games.2. Social interactions: Boys displayed more numerous positive verbal interactions, such as conveying rules of communication, asking for opinions, and resolving conflicts. On the other hand, girls were more likely to provide information and offer invitations. Moreover, positive body interactions were observed at similar rates for both genders, whereas, negative body interactions only occurred among the boys.3. Physical activities: Boys were seen to do more upper limb, lower limb, and whole-body activities, whereas girls engaged more in body balancing activities.


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