  • 期刊


Factors Associated with Evidence-Based Nursing Promotion in Taiwan




The promotion of Evidence-based Nursing (EBN) has been an obvious global trend. The purpose of this study was to understand the present situation of EBN promotion and the factors affecting the differences in the promotion of EBN between medical centers, regional hospitals and local hospitals. A descriptive correlational method was used to investigate various perception of the strategies and barriers of EBN promotions. After the validity and reliability examination, an ”EBN promotion situation and factors identification questionnaire” was developed to collect the data. The return rate was 65.8% and the data from 261 returned questionnaires were analyzed. In Taiwan, 21.1% of the hospitals have been promoting the EBP (Evidence-based Practice) and 26.8% in promotion for EBN. Medical centers have more education training resources than regional hospitals in EBP and EBN. The barriers in promoting EBN included a lack of time, a lack of evidence-based professional skills, limited English ability, a lack in promoting EBP framework or organization, a lack of EBN teaching staffs and financial supports. The major success factors consist of organization support, sufficient lobotomy and EBN database, computer software and aware systems. The findings of this study could provide evidence of current EBN status as a reference for clinical, academic and policy-makers.


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