

目前國內聽語專業人員人力資料相當匱乏,爲因應全民聽語專業服務之需求,以及提供精確的數據以作爲政府培養衛生人力的依據,研究現有的聽語人力、現有的聽語需求量、以及未來五年的需求量甚爲迫切。鑑於此,本研究集合國內數位聽語學者專家進行國內聽語人力供需調查,其目的爲:1)了解台灣地區民國九十年聽語人力供給量及分布;2)了解台灣地區民國九十年聽語人力需求量;3)了解台灣地區民國九十年聽語人力供需關係;4)推估未來五年聽語人力供給量及需求量;5)了解台灣地區未來五年聽語人力供需關係。 研究方法是從四個指標計算台灣目前及未來五年聽語人力供需關係。此四個指標包括;1)問卷調查;2)台灣聽語障礙人口數;3)美國聽語障礙人國盛行率;4)人口數及專業人員比例。 研究結果顯示,民國九十年聽語人力供給量爲335人,需求量爲707.5~5,942.2人,聽語人力不足372.5~5,607.2人。民國九十二年至民國九十六年聽語人力供給量爲256.9人,需求量爲750~7,530人,聽語人力不足493.1~7,313.2人。爲了因應人力問題,本研究建議;1)建立聽語證照制度;2)提高健保給付;3)研擬團隊照顧模式;4)完整的聽語專業訓練;5)擴大系所招生名額;6)設立聽語學分班;7)公費留學考試加入聽語障礙學門;8)國科會學門專長分類加入聽語障礙領域;9)增設聽語障礙系所;10)擴大聽語服務範圍。


The purpose of this study to estimate the speech pathologists and audiologist(SLPA)manpower in four aspects: 1) to investigate the supply and demand for SLPA professionals in 2001; 2) to assess the gap between supply and demand for SLPA in 2001; 3)to forecast trends in the supply and demand for SLPA from 2003 to 2007; 4) to assess the potential gap between supply and demand for SLPA from 2003 to 2007. The analyses of this studs are based on four resources; l) questionnaires; 2) the speech and hearing disordered populations in Taiwan; 3) the incidence of speech and hearing disorders in the United States; 4) the ratio of speech and hearing disordered populations to SLPA professionals in Taiwan. The results revealed that there is 372.5 to 5,607.2 short of SLPA in 2001, and 493.2 to 7,313.2 short of SLFA from 2003 to 2007. To make up the deficiency, this study suggests l) to establish licensure policy; 2)to increase health insurance compensation; 3)to studs team approach; 4) to provide complete educational training ;5) to cultivate more professionals: 6) to set up continuing educational courses; 7)to add speech and hearing area in government examination for study abroad; 8) to add speech and hearing area in specialty classification of National Science Council; 9) to set up new speech and hearing programs in universities; and 10)to expand speech and hearing service settings.


Chen SH,Huang JL.(2001).Objective measurement of voice treatment efficacy for voice disordered patients.The Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language and Bearing.6(2),73-76.
Gillam RB,Marquardt TP,Martin PN(2000).Communication sciences and disorders: Research to clinical practice.Singular.



