  • 期刊


The relationship between the training degree and the sleep quality in high school man's badminton players


本研究目的旨在探討高中羽球選手訓練程度與睡眠品質的關係。以104年全國中等學校運動會高中組男子羽球前16強選手為對象,依成績分為兩組(A組為前8名選手,n=79人;B組為9-16名選手,n=121人)進行比較。研究工具為匹茲堡睡眠品質量表 (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, PSQI) ,測驗所得數據以SPSSfor windows 18.0 套裝統計軟體處理,以描述統計、獨立樣本t 檢定等統計方法進行比較分析,顯著水準定為α=.05。結果:一、訓練頻率方面:A組選手每週訓練6.42次,明顯高於B組的5.97次(p<.05)。二、訓練時間方面:A組選手每次訓練5.52小時明顯高於B組的4.87小時 (p<.05) 。三、訓練強度方面:A組選手平時的訓練強度在81.15%,明顯高於B組的70.6% (p<.05)。四、睡眠品質方面:A組選手的睡眠總分6.46分明顯高於B組的5.66分(p<.05);A組的平均睡眠時數6.74小時明顯較B組的7.07小時少(p<.05)。結論:運動應該可以改善睡眠品質,但本研究發現,高中男子羽球選手的睡眠品質普遍不佳,A組選手的睡眠品質明顯較B組來的差,是否會因長期 (時間長、強度高) 的訓練或是其他因素如壓力等而影響選手的睡眠品質,這個部分需進一步深入探討,以提供教練設計訓練課程及幫助選手擁有好的睡眠品質的參考。


This study was to investigate the relationship between the athletic training and sleep quality in the high school badminton players. The participants included two hundred round of 16 male badminton players in National High School Games. They are divided to two groups by ranking (group A: place first to eighth, n=79; group B: place ninth to sixth, n=121). Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) was used to evaluate the sleep quality. Data was analyzed using SPSS for windows 18.0 system for descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, significance difference is α=.05. The results were as follows: (1). In training frequency, group A is higher than group B (6.42 v.s 5.97 times per week, p<.05). (2). In training time, average time in group A and group B is 5.52 and 4.87 hrs, respectively (p<.05). (3) Intensity of training in group A is 81.15%, in group B is 70.6% (p<.05). (4) Sleep quality of two group represented group A has higher PSQI score (6.46 v.s 5.66) and lower total sleep time (6.74 v.s 7.07 hrs) than group B (p<.05). We conclude that male badminton players with higher training frequency, longer training time and higher intensity of training have poor sleep quality. In our knowledge, exercise could improve sleep quality, but in this research we found the opposite argument. Whether is the exercise training system or other factors, such as stress caused poor sleep quality in those who male players. It need to investigate deeply, in order to help coach to design appropriate training program and help players to have good sleep quality.


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