  • 期刊


Effect of multicomponent exercises program intervention on functional fitness and cognitive function in elderly with mild cognitive impairment


背景:全球失智症人口快速增加,2015年國際失智症協會(ADI)推估每3秒就有一人罹患失智症,而輕度認知功能障礙(MCI)此時期被發現為預防與改善失智發生之關鍵。然而藥物不能完全成功的預防或治療失智症,但研究已發現透過運動能有效改善及促進大腦認知功能。目的:探討針對輕度認知功能障礙高齡者介入八週多元運動課程後,對其認知功能及體適能之影響。方法:研究對象為65歲以上輕度認知功能障礙高齡者為對象,實驗前採立意取樣,實驗組15人(78.2±6.48歲)及對照組5人(77.4±8.05歲),分別於課程介入前後進行簡易心智量表(MMSE)及功能性體適能檢測(上肢柔軟度、下肢柔軟度、上肢肌力、下肢肌力、敏捷與動態平衡、心肺耐力、握力)。實驗組進行為期8週、每週一次90分鐘的多元運動課程和兩次的居家自主運動。資料處理與分析:以SPSS 22.0版統計套裝軟體,以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、單因子共變數進行分析,顯著水準訂為α=.05。結果:實驗組接受八週多元運動課程後,下肢肌力、心肺耐力達顯著;認知功能整體分數值與各向度分數值皆有提升趨勢,但未達顯著差異。結論:多元運動課程能有效提升輕度認知功能障礙高齡者之部分體適能,進而提升部分認知功能之表現。因此,融合多元運動課程對於輕度認知功能障礙之高齡者之認知功能是非常有效益且能達到預防醫學之概念。


失智症 體適能 運動介入


Background: The global dementia population is growing rapidly, 2015 the International Society for the Dementia (ADI) estimates that one person suffers from dementia every 3 seconds, and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is considered to be the critical period to preventing and improving morbidity. However, the drug can not be completely successful in the prevention or treatment of dementia, the study has been found through the exercise which can effectively improve and promote brain cognitive function. Purpose: To explore the Effect of Physical and Cognitive Exercises Intervention on Functional Fitness and Cognitive Function in Elderly with Mild Cognitive Impairment. Methods: More than 65 years old the elderlyin the study. Subjects were divied into experimental group (n=15, age: 78.2±6.48yrs) and control group (n=5, age: 77.4±8.05yrs) by their personal preference. The Mini-mental state examination and the functional fitness testing for older adults (30-second chair stand, 30-second arm curl, chair sit-and-reach, back scratch, 8-foot up-and-go, 2-minute step) were performed before and after the course intervention. The experimental group was instructed to by the physical and cognitive exercises intervention for 1 days per week, 90 minutes per session for eight weeks. Pre-and Post-tests were implemented before and after the intervention in both group. Data processing and analysis: SPSS 22.0 version of the statistical suite of software, descriptive statistics, One-Way ANOVA and one-way ANCOVA was used to evaluate the difference between groups after training for each parameter analysis of the test, the significant level as α = .05. Results: The experimental group has significant improvement on the physical and cognitive exercises intervention after the course exercise after eight weeks, upper body muscle strength and Aerobic endurance. Cognitive function and so on are positive progress, but not significant difference. Conclusion: The multidimensional course can improve the fitness of the elderly with mild cognitive dysfunction and improve the performance of some cognitive function. Therefore, the integration of physical and cognitive exercises on mild cognitive impairment of the Elderly is very effective and can achieve the concept of preventive medicine.


內政部統計處 (2016,1 月,16 日)。104 年底人口結構分析。取自:http://www.moi.gov.tw/stat/news_content.aspx?sn=10225
台灣失智症協會 (2016 年12 月7 日)。認識失智症。取自:http://www.tada2002.org.tw/tada_know_02.html#top
台灣失智症協會 (2007,5 月6 日)。AD-8 極早期失智症篩檢量表。取自:http://www.tada2002.org.tw/tada_other_online.aspx


